Daily update on Bárðarbunga volcano, 15-September-2014

This information is going to get outdated quickly.

Current status at 12:59 UTC

  • Largest earthquake so far is a magnitude 5,4 that took place at 08:04 UTC.
  • Caldera has so far dropped 45 cm of today. Largest drop took place during the magnitude 5,4 earthquake and that lowering continued for two to three hours after the earthquake.
  • Eruption in Holuhraun continues at similar rate as yesterday (14-September-2014). Now it is mostly one crater that is erupting. The flow of lava is also not powerful enough to cross the river. So now it is spreading out from the central crater in all directions.
  • Earthquake activity has been moving south along the dyke. This means there is higher risk for earthquake eruptions under the glacier. There have been several minor eruptions under the glacier already.

Current status at 20:51 UTC

  • New vent has opened up south of current eruption. I can’t tell from Míla web cameras if this is a new vent or just old vent getting active again.
  • Most of the eruption continues in the central crater at the moment.
  • The rifting phase of the activity in Bárðarbunga volcano is going to take months to finish. In that time there are going to be more earthquakes and more fissure eruptions. There is also high risk of new dyke intrusions going into other directions from Bárðarbunga volcano.
  • If the Holuhraun eruption ends, a new one is going to start soon after in different place of that dyke. It might be on glacier free area or under the glacier. There is no way of knowing that for sure.

Still more on comments

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Article updated at 20:51 UTC.

291 Replies to “Daily update on Bárðarbunga volcano, 15-September-2014”

  1. Bardarbunga 2 is currently on some ground with steam coming out which is not the usual eruption point. Steam position can be seen on B 1 as well

    1. I can see that too on cam no. 1, also steam escaping (from a fissure or the lava field, hard to say at the moment) to the left of the new steam column which is to the left of the active fissure. This could be a new fissure, or also reactivation of the colder parts of the active fissure.

    1. Is that the one behind the other vent just to the right, I was thinking it might have been a cloud,but it has not moved.

  2. There was today an interview with volcanologist Ármann Höskuldsson in Mbl. http://www.mbl.is/frettir/innlent/2014/09/16/vonandi_gys_afram_a_sondunum/
    He said that the active fissure would show a tendency to stop erupting very soon, and that there would for sure begin an eruption on another fissure not long after that, because there is still so much magma in the intrusion. And this magma had to find a way out. He hoped that this would again be not far from the now active eruption site and not under the glacier – it seems his whish is now being fulfilled.

    1. Perhaps to early to say that. The “eruption cloud” has disappeared. Was it just one of these “tornados” or dust devils?

  3. and there was steaming to the left of R2D2 this morning too. It that perhaps where the lava is and has the river risen enough to flood it perhaps.

  4. The concentration of SO2 (Sulphur Dioxide) is increasing in Kópasker and the surrounding area in northeastern Iceland. No gas monitoring is in the area but the inhabitants have felt the pollution and symptoms. Inhabitants are advised to close all windows and turn up the heat inside, while the concentration is high. IMO. 15th Sept.

    Mr Kruger a true Christian would be having thoughts on how they could help and begin to start doing something to help.

    Your statements tell us clearly you are a false man, hide behind fear, smug because you’ve paid your paper and already bought your salvation. Wrong path my friend and you don’t and won’t see it.

    A walk on the caldera lid could maybe get you a rapture, a 10 km rapture

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