Overview of activity in Iceland, Spain and Canary Islands

This is a overview of activity in Iceland, Spain and Canary Islands. This is just an short overview. So not all events are included. But it has been quiet during the Christmas holidays.


During the 24 to 26 of December there was not a lot of earthquake activity in Iceland. Three small earthquake swarm took place in Katla volcano. In Hengill volcano there was one small earthquake swarm in a location where earthquakes swarms have been taking place for past few weeks. In Katla volcano there was a earthquake swarms inside the caldera. This earthquake swarm are an reminding sign of the activity that is currently taking place in Katla volcano. But this activity took place in north-west part of the caldera. Since Sunday the activity in Katla volcano has again dropped for the time being. But that might change at any time. The largest earthquake that happened was an ML2.3 earthquake. It appeared clearly on my geophone at Heklubyggð.

Stormy weather in Iceland has made it difficult to monitor earthquakes during the past days. This is unlikely to change in next few days. As the path of the winter storms appears to be directly over Iceland at the moment.

Other then this. There was general quiet scene in Iceland during this weekend in Iceland.


During the weekend Spain had many minor earthquakes. With the largest one going up to ML3.5 in size, based on automatic size estimate. I do not know if anyone of this earthquakes where felt by humans. This earthquake activity is normal for Spain.

Canary Islands

The eruption in El Hierro volcano continued as it has been doing for the past three months. No earthquake appeared on the IGN automatic earthquake list. Harmonic tremor remained the same during the weekend. But yesterday and today there have been reports of new fissures opening. But this does not appears to have changed the harmonic tremor levels on the seismographs on El Hierro Island. This suggests that the currently the eruption remains the same. But I do not know what main eruption vents are open at the moment. They might be at great ocean depth and there eruption signs might not appear on the surface of the ocean.

Other then this it has been quiet in Canary Islands.

9 Replies to “Overview of activity in Iceland, Spain and Canary Islands”

  1. Hi

    Thanks for the update! I’m curious as to the tremor signal in Askja. Is this just faulty equipment, or are we looking at harmonics tremor?

    Hope you all had a great Christmas – especially you, Jon! You deserved a break.

  2. Thank you for the update Jon. I hope you had a lovely time with your family and friends.
    It is very quiet in Iceland but as you say this can change ant any time.

  3. Thank Jón Frímann, going to read and very much desired to HEALTH AND PEACE in the life of each and love reign in your hearts in the coming year. Thanks for all friends, even virtual are very important for this learning opportunity and constructive in my life. I appreciate the patience, education, tolerance and love you.
    Happy New Year to everyone in Brazil, thanks Carl le Strange, Diana Barnes, Rio Renato and all of you who are trying to read … 🙂
    – Lokon volcano in Indonesia today, erupted –
    – The process of eruption of El Hierro plays a similar process to the origin of life on Earth – http://translate.google.com.br/translate?hl=pt-BR&sl=es&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.diariodeavisos.com%2F2011%2F12%2F27%2Factualidad%2Fel-proceso-eruptivo-de-el-hierro-reproduce-procesos-similares-al-origen-de-la-vida-en-la-tierra%2F

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