Possible small eruption in Katla volcano, glacier flood ongoing

Starting sometimes late yesterday (26-July 2024), a small eruption seems to have started in Katla volcano. At the writing of this article, the eruption seems to be over, but it might restart at any time without warning, it is impossible to know at the moment, since harmonic tremor is unclear for now because of the glacier flood. Largest earthquake at the writing of this article had magnitude of Mw2,9.

Red dots showing small earthquakes in east part of Katla volcano caldera in Mýrdalsjökull glacier.
Earthquake activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.
Harmonic tremor plot from Icelandic Met Office. Showing increased harmonic tremor starting at around midnight of 27-July 2024. Reaching peak few hours later before starting to lower again.
The harmonic tremor in Austmannsbunga SIL station. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Glacier flood is ongoing and is going to be ongoing for next few hours. The area around Mýrdalsjökull glacier is dangerous because of this.

Earthquake activity in Katla volcano

Yesterday (19-June 2024) at 21:26 UTC. The largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of Mw3,3. Several smaller earthquakes happened soon after.

Green star and red dots in Katla volcano caldera.
Green star showing the location of the largest earthquake in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Since then this activity has quieted down. It is impossible to know if anything more is going to happen in Katla volcano at the moment. There is more activity in Katla volcano during the summer in Iceland.

Earthquake in Katla volcano

Yesterday (29. August 2023) at 23:49 an earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,7 took place in Katla volcano. This earthquake was felt on nearby camping sites and farms according to a news report. Few smaller earthquakes took place following the largest earthquake.

Green star in Katla volcano caldera along with few dots showing smaller earthquakes. The green star and orange dots are in the south part of the Katla volcano caldera.
Earthquake activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Nothing more happened following this earthquake, as has been the case for the last few earthquake swarms in Katla volcano. More earthquake activity can start in Katla volcano without warning.

Earthquake in Katla volcano (Mýrdalsjökull glacier)

Yesterday (23. July 2023) at 23:17 UTC an earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,5 took place in Katla volcano. This earthquake was felt to Hvolsvellir town in south Iceland.

Green star on Katla volcano caldera rim in the south-west part of the caldera. Time on image is 24. july, 23 at 14:50 UTC.
Earthquake in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

No other earthquake or activity took place following this earthquake. Katla volcano remains quiet at the writing of this article.

Increased conductivity in Múlakvísl glacier river from Mýrdalsjökull glacier

Currently there’s a unusual high conductivity in Múlakvísl glacier river. There’s almost no earthquake activity in Katla volcano at the writing of this article. What is expected is that a new glacier flood might happen in next few days in Múlakvísl glacier river and other nearby glacier river possibly.

Few dots and a green star just west of Mýrdalsjökull glacier that is a ghost earthquake from Fagradalsfjall mountain activity in Katla volcano.
All quiet in Katla volcano. The green star is a ghost earthquake. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Currently there are no clear signs that Katla volcano is about to start erupting.

Earthquake in Katla volcano

During the evening of 2. July 2023 at 22:57 UTC an earthquake with the magnitude of Mw3,1 took place in Katla volcano caldera. This was one of the few earthquakes that took place that evening and there has not been any more earthquake activity since then.

Green star in Katla volcano caldera. There are also few blue dots showing older earthquakes, along with few yellow and orange dots.
Earthquake activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Since the last earthquake swarm in Katla volcano. Things have been rather quiet in Katla volcano.

Update on Katla volcano activity

This is an update on Katla volcano activity. The largest earthquakes in the earthquake swarm during the night had a magnitude of Mw4,4. There where total of eight earthquake with magnitude above Mw3,0 in this earthquake swarm and in total of 58 earthquakes in total according to Icelandic Met Office website. This earthquake activity is ongoing even if currently there are no earthquakes taking place (at the writing of this article).

This earthquake activity was clearly felt in Þórsmörk area and was resulting in people loosing sleep.

Green stars and yellow dots in Katla volcano caldera on the Icelandic Met Office map. Time on map is 30. June, 23, time is 11:15 Icelandic Time.
Earthquake swarm activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

According to news reports on mbl.is there has now been increase in conductivity in Múlakvísl glacier river. This seems to be directly connected to the earthquake swarm activity that took place during the night. There is also more water in the Múlakvísl glacier river, if that is connected is unclear, because of rain in Iceland in recent days, there is general more water in rivers. Harmonic tremor has not started to change. That can happen without warning at any time.

Icelandic News

Rafleiðni fer stígandi í Múlakvísl eftir skjálfta (mbl.is)
Önnur skjálftahrina í Mýrdalsjökli (ruv.is)

Strong earthquake swarm in Katla volcano

During the night of 30. June 2023 an earthquake swarm started in Katla volcano. At the writing of this article the largest verified earthquake had a magnitude of Mw3,3.

Green star and red dots in Katla volcano caldera.
Ongoing earthquake activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This earthquake swarm is ongoing at the writing of this article. Currently an eruption has not started, if that is going to change is something that just has to show it self in next few hours if this earthquake activity continues to increase. All that can be done for now is to monitor this situation.

Earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,6 in Katla volcano

Today (27. June 2023) at 07:42 UTC an earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,6 took place in Katla volcano. This earthquake was part of a earthquake swarm that had started few moments earlier. There is no change in harmonic tremor at the writing of this article and earthquake activity has slowed down again. This earthquake was felt in nearby areas.

Green star and red dots in Katla volcano caldera, along with older earthquakes from yesterday shown as blue and yellow dots. Time on map is 27. june. 23, 09:20 (Icelandic time).
Earthquake activity in Katla volcano caldera. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This earthquake activity seems to happen in active time periods with quiet period between them, when there are few to no earthquake activity. This activity is ongoing at the writing of this article.

Renewed earthquake activity in Katla volcano

Today (26. June 2023) the earthquake activity in Katla volcano increased again for few hours. Largest earthquake this time had a magnitude of Mw2,5. This earthquake activity has slowed down again. This earthquake activity is ongoing, even if there is no activity at the writing of this article.

A lot of orange dots and blue dots showing earthquake activity in Katla volcano caldera. Time on image is 26. June. 23, 19:55 Icelandic time.
Earthquake activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Its is still unclear what is going on in Katla volcano. There was no change in harmonic tremor following this earthquake activity. Showing that magma did not move in any obvious way when this earthquake activity took place.