Man made earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano

Yesterday (24. November 2023) at 20:54 UTC an earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,4 took place in Hengill volcano. This earthquake was felt in Hveragerði town.

Green star in Hengill volcano in a large fissure swarm in that area. Along with yellow and red dots.
The earthquake activity in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

According to the news. This earthquake swarm is man made because of pumping down of hot water in this area by the hydrothermal power plant. This earthquake activity should stop soon as pumping down of the waste water stops.

Earthquake in Hengill volcano, felt in Hveragerði and Reykjavík

Today (9-November-2022) at 13:34 UTC an earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,2 took place in Hengill volcano. This earthquake was felt in Hveragerði town and in Reykjavík. Few smaller earthquakes followed the larger earthquake.

Green star in the Hengill volcano with few red and orange dots next to it. Showing smaller earthquakes in that same area.
Earthquake activity in Hengill volcano. Picture from Icelandic Met Office.

It looks like this earthquake swarm is over or close to end. I don’t expect anything major to happen in this earthquake activity.

Small earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano

Today (20-May-2022) at 15:45 UTC an earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,1 took place in Hengill volcano. I don’t know if this earthquake was felt.

Green star in Hengill volcano, just north-west of Hveragerði town. Few red dots around the green star shwoing smaller earthquakes
Earthquake activity in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

At the the writing of this article there has not been any more activity in this area. That might change without warning.

Earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano

Sorry for the late article. I’ve been dealing with technical problems in my mobile phone all day and delayed a lot of things for me.

Yesterday (29-April-2021) an earthquake swarm started in Hengill volcano. This earthquake swarm appears to be tectonic in nature. Largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of Mw3,8 and was felt in Reykjavík.

Far left on image is a green star that shows the earthquake activity in Hengill volcano
Earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This earthquake activity looks tectonic in nature and there are no signs that the reason for this earthquake swarm is anything but tectonic stress adjustments for now. I always expect more and stronger earthquakes swarm when cold volcanoes (not erupted for a long time) starts to get warm as was the case before the eruption in Fagradalsfjall mountain when up to 50.000 earthquakes took place from 27th February until 19th March when the eruption started.

Earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano

This evening (15-november-2020) an earthquake swarm started in Hengill volcano. It is unclear if this earthquake swarm is because of water injection in this area of just normal earthquake swarm.

The earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

The largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude Mw3,3 currently. This earthquake swarm might be ongoing even if it seems to have stopped at the writing of this article. The largest earthquake was felt in Reykjavík, Hveragerði, Selfoss and other nearby towns.


Please remember to support my work with donations. Donations are important for me as they help me keep this website and my self running in current difficult time. This video here on YouTube is almost about the same thing but I don’t get brand deals so I have to trust on donations. Thanks for the support. 🙂

Minor earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano

Today (11-September-2019) at 09:42 UTC a magnitude 3,0 earthquake took place in Hengill volcano. The largest earthquake was felt in Hveragerði village. They also felt a minor magnitude Mw1,7 that happened at 05:22 UTC. The reason why that earthquake was felt is because it took place inside the town under some person house (or close to someone house).

The earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano today (11-September-2019). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Earthquake activity is a regular feature in this area.

Magnitude 4,4 earthquake in Hengill volcano (tectonic earthquake)

During the night of 30-December-2018 at 02:54 UTC an magnitude 4,4 earthquake took place in Hengill volcano. This earthquake was felt over a wide area. Largest aftershock had a magnitude of 2,2 so far.

The earthquake (green star) in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

The earthquake as it appeared on Heklubyggð geophone station. This image is under Creative commons licence. See CC Licence website for more information.

The earthquake as it appeared in Böðvarshólar geophone station. This image is under Creative commons licence. See CC Licence website for more information.

The earthquake swarm is ongoing as of writing of this article. It is not possible to know what is going to happen in next few hours in this area. Risk of more earthquake is always present. This earthquake activity is tectonic in nature.


Please remember to support my work with donations. Thanks for the support. 🙂

Update for donations

If you donate directly with a bank. Please update your information. From now on all the donations that I get with a bank transfer go to my Icelandic bank. This is not going to change when I move from Iceland. New bank information can be found here on the donation website.

Minor earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano (Raufarhólshellir cave)

Since yesterday (01-Maí-2018) has been a minor earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano in area of Raufarhólshellir cave. Largest earthquake had a magnitude of 2,9 (at 03:46 UTC) and all other earthquakes that happened were smaller in magnitude. Most common magnitude was 0,3 but few magnitude 1,0 earthquake also happened.

The earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This earthquake swarm seems to be in a location that might had a dike injection in the years 1995 – 1998 (I don’t have older data). Data from 1995 and until today can be viewed here (this website is in Icelandic). Since 2000 SISZ earthquakes this area has been quiet and I guess this area is mostly going to be quiet besides this minor earthquake swarms that are currently happening.


Please remember to support my work. Currently I am having problem with paying all the bills in Denmark since they come in three month cycle. The good news is that this is the last time I have to deal with this issue since I am moving away from Denmark at the end of the month. Thanks for the support. 🙂

Article updated at 23:18 UTC. Minor year fixes.

Magnitude 3,2 earthquake in Hengill volcano

Today (22-February-2018) at 09:50 UTC a magnitude 3,2 earthquake took place in Hengill volcano.

The earthquake activity in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This earthquake activity doesn’t suggest anything and appears to be just normal tectonic activity in this area.

Donations and move to Iceland

Please see earlier article for details.