Magnitude 4,4 earthquake in Hengill volcano (tectonic earthquake)

During the night of 30-December-2018 at 02:54 UTC an magnitude 4,4 earthquake took place in Hengill volcano. This earthquake was felt over a wide area. Largest aftershock had a magnitude of 2,2 so far.

The earthquake (green star) in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

The earthquake as it appeared on Heklubyggð geophone station. This image is under Creative commons licence. See CC Licence website for more information.

The earthquake as it appeared in Böðvarshólar geophone station. This image is under Creative commons licence. See CC Licence website for more information.

The earthquake swarm is ongoing as of writing of this article. It is not possible to know what is going to happen in next few hours in this area. Risk of more earthquake is always present. This earthquake activity is tectonic in nature.


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5 Replies to “Magnitude 4,4 earthquake in Hengill volcano (tectonic earthquake)”

  1. Hi Jon.

    This is not a common event in this area, where there is a triple junction as two active rift zones meet a seismically active transform zone?

    Could the seismic activity be caused by the power stations?

    Is this seismic activity a cause for concern?

    1. This is common in this area. Its just been a while since this part of this area had an earthquake. Last one was in 2000 during the earthquake in SISZ (Magnitude 6,5 and 6.3).

  2. The US GS is reporting this one
    Sunday 30.12.2018 06:48:28 AM 57.062  34.001 10.0 km 4.9 Reykjanes Ridge

    Maybe this is all rifting actions?

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