Danger level declared for Reykjanes volcano and Grindavík town

This is a super short update. Since there’s too much happening at the writing of this article for me to write anything useful about current situation.

  • There’s a super dense earthquake swarm happening north-west of Grindavík town. There’s also an earthquake swarm north-east of Grindavík town.
  • Almannavarnir have declared danger level for Reykjanes volcano and Grindavík town.
  • There’s a lot of earthquakes with strong magnitudes. Useful list is not possible at the writing of this article.
Dense earthquake swarm on WinSDR plot. Earthquakes happening every 10 second.
Dense earthquake activity at distance of 187 km.

This is what I am recording at the distance of 187 km from the source at Reykjanes peninsula. This is the most dense earthquake activity I’ve ever seen.

I’ll post update when I know anything useful.

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