Update on Reykjanes and Krýsuvík volcanoes activity at 15:13 UTC on 27-February-2021

This is a short update on the activity on Reykjanes and Krýsuvík volcanoes.

Largest earthquake in the last 24 hour had a magnitude of Mw5,2 at 08:17 UTC and this earthquake was felt over a wide area in west Iceland. Over the last 48 hours there have been 95 earthquakes with magnitude above Mw3,0. GPS is showing a lot of displacement and those information can be found here. Largest displacement has been in and around Krýsuvík and other GPS stations on Reykjanes peninsula.

Green stars show the earthquake activity on Reykjanes peninsula. The green stars go from south-west and to north-east but there is also a lot of red dots showing new fresh earthquake activity.
Earthquake activity on Reykjanes peninsula. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Cracks have also formed in one road and other surface damage and other small damages have started to appear in buildings and roads on Reykjanes peninsula. There is going to be a storm in Iceland until early 2-March-2021. This storm is going to reduce the detection of smaller earthquakes in this earthquake swarm while it goes over Iceland.

All this information can change without warning.

News about cracks in the road on Reykjanes peninsula

Sprungur á Suðurstrandavegi vegna skjálftanna (Rúv.is, Icelandic, Pictures)

2 Replies to “Update on Reykjanes and Krýsuvík volcanoes activity at 15:13 UTC on 27-February-2021”

  1. Hi Jón, I am just wondering if you know whether the experts have commented at all on the hydrogen sulphide situation (other than stating that it was present in the absence of other volcanic gases on Friday).

  2. I have not seen any new reports of volcano gases in the news. I don’t know why that is. It might just be a weekend thing. I’ll write about the volcano gas if I see it in the news since I don’t get any information about such things otherwise.

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