Update on the eruption in Sundhnúkagígar on 30. May 2024 at 00:49 UTC

This is a short update on the eruption in Sundhnúkagígar on 30. May 2024 at 00:49 UTC. This might be the only update on this eruption, since normally, eruptions in Sundhnúkagígar only last one to three days normally. If that happens now remains to be seen.

Yesterday (29. May 2024) at 12:46 UTC an eruption started in Sundhnúkagígar, close to a small mountain called Sýlingafell and other nearby mountains. This is also the same area that has had eruptions in recent months. This eruption was large and peaked at 2000m3/sec. Since then it has slowed down and is maybe only around 200m3/sec to 600m3/sec for now. The flow from the eruption is going to change without warning and quickly. The eruption fissure today was at the longest around 4 km long. Currently, at the writing of this article, the eruption fissure is around 1 to 2,5 km long. How long the fissure is going to change without warning.

The eruption fissure seen from Þorbjörn mountain today at 12:58:01. A large gas cloud is coming from the eruption in a day that is slight cloudy but with sun at that moment.
The eruption just as it had started. Picture from Rúv web camera.
The eruption at 12:47:48 UTC as it was starting. The lava fountains are reaching up to 70 meters up in the air and the gas cloud keeps growing.
The eruption as it was starting. The picture is from Rúv web camera.
The eruption as it was at 12:51:24. The peak lava fountains are reaching slightly more than 70 meters up in the air and the fissure is expanding to the south and north. Gas cloud is growing and drifting to the east.
The eruption at the start. Screenshot from Rúv web camera.
The eruption as it was at 16:12:24 UTC and reaching peak of its activity. I am not sure what the peak is on this image, but based on the lava flow that is going over a small hill. It was high and a strong lava flow was happening.
The most active hour in the eruption. Screenshot from Rúv web camera.