Earthquake swarm in Reykjanes volcano

Today (26. June 2023) an earthquake swarm took place in Reykjanes volcano. This earthquake swarm is in a location in Reykjanes volcano that has been having repeated earthquake activity over the last few months. This strongly suggest that at this location there’s an active dyke that might erupt in the future.

Earthquake swarm out in the ocean close to Reykjanestá in the Reykjanes volcano. A lot of red dots piled on top of each other. Blue to orange dots located elsewhere on the Reykjanes peninsula. Time on map 26. June. 23. 16:05 (Icelandic Time).
Earthquake swarm in Reykjanes volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Largest earthquake in this swarm at the writing of this article had a magnitude of Mw3,0. Other earthquakes have been smaller in magnitude. I am unclear on how many earthquakes have happened in Reykjanes volcano at the writing of this article. This earthquake swarm is ongoing at the writing of this article.