Earthquake swarm 3 km north of Grindavík town

Today (19. December 2022) and yesterday (18. December 2022) an earthquake swarm took place 3 km north of Grindavík town in the Reykjanes volcano. Largest earthquake had a magnitude of Mw2,9 and was felt in Grindavík. Earthquakes with magnitude Mw2,0 are felt in Grindavík, possibly even smaller earthquakes. At the writing of this article, this earthquake swarm is ongoing but weather is blocking almost all of the automatic earthquake detection.

Red dots just north of Grindavík town on Reykjanes peninsula. Few other orange dots here and there on the map showing smaller earthquake activity on other places on Reykjanes peninsula.
Earthquake activity north of Grindavík town. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Most of the earthquakes are smaller in magnitude. Less than Mw1,0 in magnitude. At the writing of this article. This is unlikely to result in a eruption, but that requires (normally) more earthquake activity than has been happening now. This might change without warning, but is unlikely.