Earthquake with magnitude Mw5,7 in Reykjanes volcano (update at 12:28 UTC)

This is a short update at 12:28 UTC on the earthquake swarm on Reykjanes peninsula and in Reykjanes volcano.

It is possible to see the earthquakes in my webicorder website here. This website is on limited bandwidth so it might load slowly if there is a lot of traffic to it. I am also self hosting it because of software requirement.

Largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of Mw5,7 and was felt over most of Western Iceland. Minor damage has been reported in Reykjavík but it has been limited to stuff falling off shelves, walls and other such locations.

A lot of green starts showing earthquakes on Reykjanes peninsula
The earthquake swarm on Reykjanes peninsula. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.
Trace of earthquakes showing close to continues earthquake activity with magnitude of Mw4,0 and one earthquake with magnitude of Mw5,7
The trace of the earthquake activity in Reykjanes peninsula. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

I am going to post updates as I know more about this earthquake activity. The reason why I am a bit late on this is that I was sleeping and I didn’t wake up with earthquake activity.