Earthquake activity in Katla volcano and on SISZ

It has been quiet for the past weeks in Iceland. I do not know if that is changing. But this is the short update of what has been taking place in Iceland earthquake wise during this quiet period.

Katla volcano

Since Katla volcano earthquake spike in late April to middle of June. Sine then it has been rather quiet in June and what has passed of July. Today and yesterday there has been some earthquake activity in Katla volcano. But nothing like was seen in April to June.

Earthquake activity in Katla volcano during past few days. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

South Icelandic Seismic Zone (SISZ)

Intresting earthquake activity has been taking place in South Icelandic Seismic Zone for few days now. Currently the activity is on the northern end of the fault that broke in the year 2008. This is most likely just an earthquake swarm in the fault area that is continuing to adjust after the Mw6.3 earthquake in the year 2008.

Earthquake activity on SISZ during the past few days and hours. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

As for SISZ. This is just an earthquake activity. There is no volcano activity in this area of Iceland. But SISZ is a fault zone that moves N-S (W-E compared to Reykjavík). So with every major earthquake on SISZ, it is slowly moving south as the new rift zone (Iceland East rift zone) moves south at the same time. This is a slow progress. Takes millions of years and has been ongoing for million of years already.

4 Replies to “Earthquake activity in Katla volcano and on SISZ”

  1. Sunday
    08.07.2012 12:20:03 64.014 -21.055 4.3 km 3.1 99.0 6.6 km ENE of Hveragerði

  2. It’s actually Scots John here – I had to re register, since I am told I do not exist and you have no record of my email address – in spite of posting here for some time!

    Something wrong with the system Jon!

    Regards the 3.1 – Jon said some time ago that larger EQ’s were expected on Reykjanes, it isn’t where I would have expected it though.

    1. If you where posting before without registering. Then the system does not save your information for long period of time, just with that comment and some days after that.

      But now that you have registered, it does remember your email address and your settings.

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