Iceland this morning

I am just testing to see if everything works properly on the new server. That means I am looking for bugs.

This is the town of Sauðárkrókur, where I have been for the past few months in school. This picture is released under Creative Commons Licence. Please see the top bar for more information.

If you see any bugs. Please let me know about them. Thanks!

32 Replies to “Iceland this morning”

  1. Looking good so far!

    (though perhaps the ads could be placed in a different order…)

    Interesting that quakes in El Hierro are hardly registering yet tremor seems to be pretty explosive still.

    1. I didn’t do anything. I just did see your comment and before I could check what the issue was, it was resolved. I am not sure what might have been the issue. But it seems to have solved it self.

  2. Now all we need is some action: a harmless, beautiful eruption – one of these wonders of the world Iceland can produce so well (besides the breathtaking landscape).
    I’ve been talking to people at AVCAN, trying to reassure them that, after all, you can live close to an erupting volcano.
    INMO Bob is entering a stabilized phase, and we should think of him as a long term, innocuous, eruption.
    Do you think I said it wrong, Jón?

  3. I think el Hierro is about to burst through the waves again.
    There’s intense local jacuzzi and waves going in different directions.
    Maybe it will go Surtseyan again…

  4. I am being directed to the old host again when it comes to the forum. This might also happen to other people. I do not know why this is happening. But I hope that this is fixed in several hours time, as it takes time for the dns information to update them self.

    I am not sure where my browser is getting its dns information from. As earlier today I was getting the new server.

  5. $145 a month!?! Are you sure you need to buy/pay for that much all the time when it will seldom be needed or used? Aren’t there hosting services that can scale service to your needs? That sure is a lot to pay. Must be another service that is better suited for your needs.

    1. The traffic to this blog and my other blog is starting to get real heavy. But the most traffic for the moment is into this blog. I did get almost the smallest package that my hosting company has to offer.

      Speed and bandwidth cost money. Along with the hardware that comes with it.

  6. I’ve been away for the past couple of days and this afternoon logged onto this blog today as normal … except that the pages now load much more quickly than before.

    Nothing looks to be out of place … but I cannot see a link to the forum at the top of the page.

  7. Jon, I’m a little curious…. what time of day was that picture taken? I’m a little curious to know how much a far northerly location makes winter feel like living in twilight, or if you get actual sunshine during the day?

      1. Great picture. I live in Virginia where the seasonal shifts in sunlight are much less dramatic. I really appreciate a taste of Iceland. Very nice.

    1. Iceland is mostly a little south of the arctic circle (~66 °N), and the sunshine will only reach the mountains most places in December. Up to 72 °N there is civil twilight meaning that even though the sun doesn’t rise, there will still be several hours of decent twilight. Further north than that, it can get pretty dark if it’s cloudy, but in clear weather only the brightest stars will be visible. You need to go above 78 °N to get nautical twilight at noon, and then it will be completely dark if it’s cloudy. If it’s clear and you get away from street lights, you can still see some light on the southern horizon at noon. Above 84 °N there is no difference at all between day and night, but nobody lives there.

      The world’s northernmost towns are around 78 °N (excluding research stations where people don’t live all their life).

      Perhaps contrary to what people think, people living far north or south get more hours of light during a year than those living near the equator, because we have much more twilight.

      1. Steinar,

        Thank you for the information. Very fascinating. I have been in Narvik (68.5°N according to Wikipedia) in June and watched the sun circle the horizon. I loved it. The sun never went down. Also, it never came up. The long shadows, the color of the sky, I felt like I was on a different planet. I was in a park in Narvik, it was back when cameras still used film, and my camera would not take a picture because there was not enough light (I was using ISO 100 or 200 color film). This was outside, around 5:00 PM in June. It was not just the camera that felt the faintness of the light. I felt it too. I became very hungry for the bright light of the sun.

  8. I have opened up the forum again. It seems that this morning I was still being directed to (an local proxy issue with my internet connection it seems) the old hosting without me releasing it. But I did check with ping to make sure my path was correct, that did not work in this time around. Sadly.

    So some forum post might have been lost due to this. So far only one of my domains is still being re-directed to my old hosting account for some reason. But that is the unused domain of If you get that this account has been a suspended, it means that you are still getting the old account like I am.

  9. Hi Jon and everyone. This seems to be working well for me 🙂 Had one hell of a busy day so will be off to bed soon. Well done Jon and thanks for all the hard work. 🙂
    See you all tomorrow;

  10. Works for me. That picture reminds me a bit of Fairbanks Ak. Bet it isn’t as cold…

      1. Very interesting article. I imagine a pot of cooking water that lifts his lid from time to time…

  11. Good Morning All,

    I am surprised that while the photo is good that none of you have commented on the ‘BUG’ hat is stuck to the chair?

    Made you look… 🙂

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