Move to a new host complete

If you are reading this blog post. Then you have arrived to my new web host. This host should perform better then the shared hosting that I was on. But it is more expensive, as the cost is now $145 a month (around 800 DKK, depending on exchange rate). But this should also handle better in high load situation (when something major happens). The fact is that this blog alone had outgrown its shared hosting by an large margin since I did start this blog over one year ago.

I hope that you all enjoy better experience with this new web hosting that I now have. Since it makes the web site load faster and be more smooth then it used to be. I want to thank you all for the patience when this host transfer took place.

17 Replies to “Move to a new host complete”

  1. Good morning, Jón.
    I just logged in to be the first to comment on your new forum.
    Works great to me!

  2. Lots of action going on at Katla’s filming set.
    And the tremor pattern at El Hierro looks like there might be many explosions occurring .

    1. I do, Jón. Thanks.
      And ready for the action to come. 🙂
      Katla now seems to be expecting the descent of a mother space ship, or a major close encounter. Better seen on RUV cam. Amusing!

  3. Morning,

    Katla sure is throwing out a lot of poor quality Mg. 2.0 quakes. Any idea what it means?

    New server is very zippy!

    1. This might be frost quakes. The frost in the area is now around -20C for the moment. But this might also just be earthquake activity, as there have been unusual high earthquake activity in Katla volcano for the month of December.

      1. I am thinking about the frost quakes. Why are not such quakes at vatnajökull? Or the other glaciers? At the moment all the little quakes concentrate at Katla…

  4. It is still going to take a few hours until the dns fully propagates trough the internet. I am seeing that I sometimes switch back to the old dns record from time to time. But I hope that is not a large problem for people out there.

    For instance, my ping now returns results from the old server. Not the new one. But my browser appears to be on the new server. Until the dns propagates over the internet fully I am going to hold back on new blog posts.

    Check the forum here, If you get the forum in offline mode, then you are still being pointed to the old server. If it is online, then you are on the new server.

  5. Where have the harmonics in katla gone!? I dont know much about volcanos so this might be a daft question to u brainiacs!! 🙂

  6. Online on your link Jon, mind you i had no internet connrction yesterday for some reason. Today everything loads pretty quickly, even pages that used to take ages!

    1. All links are online by default. So what is the problem ? I need to know to see if it is an problem with here or just at your end.

      The new server handles the traffic a lot better then the old one. But I was on shared hosting before and it was just too small.

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