Earthquake swarm north of Grindavík town

Today (18. September 2023) there was an earthquake swarm north of Grindavík town. Largest earthquake had a magnitude of Mw2,7 and was felt in Grindavík town according to Icelandic Met Office. This earthquake activity has the direction of SW to NE and is under the road to Grindavík town.

Earthquake activity north of Grindavík town. Shown with orange dots on this map from today.
Earthquake swarm activity north of Grindavík town. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This is clearly a dyke intrusion taking place at this location. This location is bad, because this area has infrastructure that is important to Grindavík town. In this area both hot and cold water is transported along with electricity wires (I think, they might have a different path, but it is at most nearby). Eruption at this location would be a major hazard and a problem. Currently there are no signs that this magma is looking for a path to the surface.