Earthquake swarm close to Geirfugladrangur island

On Monday 11. September 2023 an earthquake swarm took place close to Geirfugladrangur island out on the Reykjanes ridge. Largest earthquake had a magnitude of Mw3,4. Other large earthquake had magnitude of Mw3,2 and Mw3,0. Other earthquakes where smaller in magnitude, according to Icelandic Met Office, but this earthquake swarm has not been reviewed yet so magnitudes might change when that happens.

Green stars and yellow dots on Reykjanes ridge far from the coastline that shows the location of this earthquake swarm. Its in the more deeper areas of the Reykjanes ridge.
Earthquake swarm on the Reykjanes ridge. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Earthquakes in this earthquake swarm where not felt, because of distance from the coastline and populated areas.