This is a short update on the earthquake swarm in Tjörnes Fracture Zone. The earthquake swarm continues but most earthquakes are smaller now and not many earthquakes with magnitude above Mw3,0 has happened. At the writing of this article around 1000 earthquakes have happened over the last 48 hours. Warning is still in place for the risk of Mw7,0 earthquake.
Current earthquake swarm in Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.
Earthquake activity suggests that most north-western part of the Flatey – Húsavík fault line has now become active (small earthquakes along the fault). In the year 1755 it is estimated that fault had a magnitude Mw7,0 or stronger earthquake. Then a earthquake with a unknown magnitude happened in this area in the year 1260.
Other than this there has been little chance in activity in the western part of Tjörnes Fracture Zone since last article about this activity.
Science papers and information Tjörnes Fracture Zone
Earthquakes in North Iceland (Icelandic/English, pdf)
Jarðskjálftavirkni á Norðurlandi (Icelandic, summary in English, pdf)
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