Update on Tjörnes Fracture Zone earthquake (Siglufjörður village)

Today (24-July-2019) at 00:55 UTC an earthquake with the magnitude of 4,3 took place 20 km north-north-west of Siglufjörður village. The magnitude of the earthquake was downgraded from Mw4,6 to Mw4,3. This earthquake was felt over a wide area and minor damage was reported in Siglufjörður village, it was just items fallen off shelf. Largest aftershock had a magnitude of 2,7. There have been no major aftershocks at the writing of this article. This area had a earthquake swarm in 2012 with at least one earthquake with magnitude of Mw5,6 and one with magnitude of Mw5,5.

The Mw4,3 earthquake close to Siglufjörður village (green star). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

The earthquake as it appeared on my geophone in Böðvarshólar. Copyright Jón Frímann Jónsson.

The vertical (Z) movement on my geophone. Copyright Jón Frímann Jónsson.

There is a chance that a earthquake activity is increasing in Tjörnes Fracture Zone overall. Since its been a while since it had a major earthquake activity. With that I mean earthquakes with magnitude above Mw6,0.


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