Magnitude 3,2 earthquake in Torfajökull volcano

Today (12-July-2019) at 17:16 UTC a magnitude 3,2 earthquake took place in Torfajökull volcano. This earthquake might have been felt by tourists in the area. This earthquake being felt has not yet been reported according to any news media.

The earthquake activity in Torfajökull volcano (green star). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This area of Torfajökull volcano has been having earthquake activity since January 27 when a magnitude 3,7 earthquake took place there. That activity was followed by a larger swarm of aftershocks than have so far happened. That might change without warning. This earthquake activity is interesting but I am not sure if it means anything, at least for now.


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3 Replies to “Magnitude 3,2 earthquake in Torfajökull volcano”

    1. Small earthquake? No big deal. That’s what volcanoes do. Your ecaptcha sucks by the way.

  1. The commenter Bluetooth has been banned for trolling.

    He is also wrong. This is repeated earthquake activity at the same location and has been going on for several months.

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