Strong earthquake swarm south of Jan Mayen (Norway)

During early morning of 2-January-2019 a strong earthquake swarm took place south of Jan Manyen (Norway) or about 350 km north of Kolbeinsey island. I don’t know if there are any volcanoes in this area, but it is possible. This might also just be tectonic earthquake swarm. Largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of 5,0 (EMSC information here). Second largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of 4,6 (EMSC information here). Up to ten earthquakes with magnitude between 4,3 to 5,0 took place in this swarm. Icelandic Met Office has listed ten earthquakes on their map, the magnitude is not correct on their map due to distance from the SIL network.

Earthquake swarm south of Jan Mayen (Norway). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Due to distance from any seismometer network a lot of smaller earthquakes were not recorded in this earthquake swarm. It also makes it impossible to know for sure if this earthquake swarm is currently ongoing or if it has ended.


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3 Replies to “Strong earthquake swarm south of Jan Mayen (Norway)”

  1. Beerenberg (2085m) is located on Jan Mayen. Most recent eruptions in 1970 and 1985.

    1. This is nonsense. There is no mathematical way to predict an earthquake with any accuracy. Predicting a earthquake swarm in Iceland is also the most easy thing to do. Its like predicting that it is going to be rain in Iceland. It is going to happen if you wait long enough for it.

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