Minor earthquake swarm in Katla volcano

During the night of 13-July-2018 a minor earthquake swarm took place in south part of the caldera of Katla volcano.

Earthquake activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Largest earthquake in this minor earthquake swarm was magnitude 2,9 and the second largest earthquake had a magnitude of 1,9. This earthquake swarm is over but new earthquake swarms might start without warning. July often marks the time when earthquake activity starts to increase in Katla volcano.

2 Replies to “Minor earthquake swarm in Katla volcano”

  1. Was wondering when Katla will peak up in Earthquake activity, is there a reason why more EQ’s tend to happen around this time of year?

    1. It has been claimed that increase in earthquake activity is due to loss of glacier over the summer time (due to melt). I don’t know how true that is in reality since I’ve not found any study to support this claim by any research data.

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