Sharp increase in earthquake activity in Öræfajökull volcano (it’s quiet again)

During the night of 9-April-2018 a swarm of earthquake appeared in Öræfajökull volcano. This activity has quieted down again for now. Largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of 1,5 but all other earthquakes appear to be smaller than 1,0 in magnitude. Depth seems to have been at 6 – 8 km, but depth information doesn’t seems to be fully accurate. I don’t know why that is. Total number of earthquakes was 22 in this swarm.

Last 15 days in earthquake activity in Öræfajökull volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Earthquake trends in Öræfajökull volcano since 2005. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

The latest 48 hours in earthquake activity in Öræfajökull volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

I am not sure why this earthquake swarm activity pattern happens and then vanishes. I do find it troubling that it does this and I think this is happening more frequently now than before. Earthquake magnitudes continue to be small but that might not be the whole story of what is currently happening in Öræfajökull volcano. There is no major change in conductivity in the glacier rivers from Öræfajökull volcano.

7 Replies to “Sharp increase in earthquake activity in Öræfajökull volcano (it’s quiet again)”

  1. Espenb Think you mean TOO calm and your right it is way to calm especially when you look at the number and size of quakes in the middle east area and around Indonesia !

  2. Please remember to support my work with donations. The reason can be found here. My last month in Denmark is going to be a problem financially for me.

    The reason for my problems can be found here,

    There is going to be so much joy with me once I am rid of everything connected to Denmark and the financial problems that it has brought me over the last 6,4 years. I’ll just stick to being a tourist in Denmark in the future.

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