Minor earthquake swarm in Bárðarbunga volcano

This morning a earthquake swarm started in Bárðarbunga volcano. This earthquake swarm started at 03:31 UTC and lasted until 03:35 UTC when a small break happened, the earthquake swarm resumed at 09:35 UTC with two earthquakes. Those two earthquakes had the magnitude of 3,0 and 3,1.

The earthquake swarm in Bárðarbunga volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

On Monday (19-December-2016) a swarm of deep earthquake took place in Bárðarbunga volcano. Suggesting that new magma got injected into the volcano from deep within the mantle (~100 – 200 km depth). This type of pattern has appeared before and it can be expected to happen again.


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13 Replies to “Minor earthquake swarm in Bárðarbunga volcano”

  1. Conductivity in Múakvisl peaked today 309.5, highest I’ve seen so far this fall. Katla’s been quiet today, but I don’t think she’s gone to winter hibernation.

    1. There was a storm during the night, it might have blown up dry sand into the glacier river. Iceland Met Office have told me that happens when the wind is strong.

      1. Yes, I know this is exactly what you have always written. Only I am of the opinion that the earthquakes in a depth of 0.1 km – 1 km are settling quake of the caldera or have hydrothermal causes. 🙂

      1. You’re absolutely right. The inflation and overall stress changes will continue for a long time. It’s just that I always get a bit excited when I check on the drumplots etc to see new EQs that look ‘big’.

        I’m suffering from a condition called Luisport syndrome

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