Little connection to the internet 15th – 29th of April, also broke

Since I’m moving back to Denmark I’m going to be without any internet connection in the days between 15th to 29th of April. I might have some limited internet connection during that time, but nothing that I can use to write articles or continue to monitor earthquakes activity.

Any activity in that period can be posted in comments to this article. I’ll try to make a new short article before the comments close automatically after 14 days.


Please remember to support my work (I’m broke). It is also expensive to move like this and I don’t know at the moment when I’m going to get a job in Denmark. It might take few weeks until I get a job. Thanks for the support. 🙂

19 Replies to “Little connection to the internet 15th – 29th of April, also broke”

  1. Japan got rocked today, the city of Kumamoto shaken by 18 quakes of 4.5 to 6.0
    in the past 24 hours. For those unsure of Kumamoto’s location its across the inlet from Nagasaki.

  2. And the 2 6.0+ near Vanuatu today . Been intense lately. Kamchatka, Aleutians, Japan, Vanuatu, Myanmar all have had 6.0+ in the past week. 5.0+ in Chile, Peru, Mexico.

    1. gets a bit scary when I look at the way these things are circling from Alaska back toward the BC coast and we have been soooo quiet for so long. That 7 in Japan then the 7.8 in Ecuador waiting for the proverbial other shoe to fall!

  3. It continues to be mostly quiet in Iceland at the moment. I’ll soon have internet connection and update are going to continue as normal.

  4. I take it there’s some human made geothermal business going on at Hengill, quite a few small tremors in a short space of time!

  5. Bardarbunga is restless.
    Size Time Quality Location
    2.8 23 Apr 19:54:51 Checked 3.4 km SSE of Bárðarbunga

    1. I think the “depth” is measured from mean sea level. Here in CA, some earthquakes are at slightly negative depths because the quake occured above sea level but still underground in the mountains. Is that a possibility?

  6. Good news, I’m going to have internet connection from tomorrow (27-April-2016) I hope. At least I’m going to get the cable router tomorrow.

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