Minor earthquake swarm in SISZ (South Icelandic Seismic Zone)

During the night of 12-June-2015 a minor earthquake swarm took place on the edge of SISZ (South Iceland Seismic Zone). Around 9 earthquakes were detected, largest earthquake had the magnitude of 2,9.

Earthquake swarm on the SISZ, it appears as a group of few dots in northern part of SISZ. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This earthquake swarm did appear clearly on my geophone in Heklubyggð.

The spike in this image is the magnitude 2,9 earthquake. This image is released under Creative Commons Licence. Please see CC Licence for more details.

The reason why this magnitude 2,9 earthquake appears so strong on my geophone has normal reasons. The reason is distance, the earthquake was close to geophone and smaller earthquakes appear clearly on my geophone, even if they are small in magnitude.

Donations: Please remember to donate to support my work and prevent me from suffer from a hunger. Thanks for the support. 🙂

11 Replies to “Minor earthquake swarm in SISZ (South Icelandic Seismic Zone)”

  1. Is not in Iceland a really good social security system at work, plus a lot of relatives helping each other esp. in the countryside with a lot of foodstuff? I never heard about people going hungry in Iceland – and I have lived there, too.

    This link could help: http://www.tr.is/oryrkjar/

    Another aspect is, that you could need support with financing this website and your webicoders.

    1. Iceland has social security, the problem is that the amount is too low compared with cost of living in Iceland. I am on social welfare from Tryggingastofnun (the link you posted). This is just a information page on people with disabilities (öryrkjar).

      As I say, the problem is that food is really expensive in Iceland along with everything else. That is not the case in Denmark where I can get good offers every day of the week and I get more for less money.

      Here is a article after a person with disability, he has the same problem as I do. He can’t afford living in Iceland, even if he has considerable higher income since he lives alone and that allows him to get extra social welfare. He says that he often cannot pay all the bills and he has big problem reaching the end of the month when it comes to food, since he doesn’t have the money to buy it.


      It’s in Icelandic.

      There are people going hungry in Iceland. Foreigners in Iceland do not hear about them. I don’t know why that is.

  2. I follow your blog with interest, Jon – thank you for the good work! Your English is superb too; just one thing I keep noticing, like in today’s post: you don’t need an “h” in “were”. 🙂

    “were” is the plural of “was”; for example: “Around 9 earthquakes were detected”
    “where” refers to a location; for example: “the place where I live”

    No big problem, just a little correction. Love your posts! 🙂

    1. Thanks for the correction. I’ve been having a little problem with this word for a while, since I was not sure if “were” was a change of “we’re”. I did check the dictionary (on-line), but I didn’t get a straight answer. I will keep this correct from now on.

      1. We’re is a contraction. A combination and shortening of the two words “we are”. Example: “We’re going on a holiday “.

        Were is a past tense of are.
        Example: “We were on holiday.”

        Hope this helps!

    2. ‘Were’ is not plural it’s past tense of ‘where’.

      We’re is short for ‘we are’.

      1. For example:

        “We’re where we were last night.”

        “Were” is the past form of the verb to be.

        ‘Where’ is an adverb.

    1. That is clearly a dyke intrusion at depth in Kverkfjöll volcano. That volcano has been getting more active over the past few years, so far it has not meant any eruption, but that might change without warning.

      1. The swarms was 99% magmatic in nature.
        The BJK station SW of Kverkfjoll is tho strange and seems to have false HT signals. It is tho interesting to look at, since it does show how HT should appear on a tremor plot.

        But I do remember that this station worked OK in the past, and only ocasionally recorded small local tremor signals, and some from Grimsvotn at the same time as the Grimsfjall SIL.
        If such HT signals as above would be real, they would be recorded on many stations around. But despite it probably being false signals, there could be something happening down under that we cannot see. (obviously)

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