Katla volcano eruption in the year 1918

Last large eruption in Katla volcano was in the year 1918. Cameras where a bit hard to find during this time and it took long time to take pictures of eruptions in those days. There are few pictures that exist today of the eruption in the year 1918 and the aftermath that did follow it.

Here are the only pictures of the eruption taking place in Katla volcano during the year 1918.

The ash cloud from Katla volcano during the eruption in the year 1918.Author of this picture is unknown. Picture is assumed in public domain due to age (94 years ago). Death of author is unknown to me. Corrections welcomed.

Ice bergs from the glacier flood that did follow the eruption in Katla volcano during the year 1918. Author of this picture is unknown. Picture is assumed in public domain due to age (94 years ago). Death of author is unknown to me. Corrections welcomed.

Painting showing the ash cloud of the Katla volcano eruption in the year 1918. I sadly do not know how did paint this picture or it’s copyright status. Corrections welcomed.

Based on this pictures. This is what we should expect from Katla volcano in the next big eruption. I do not know when that might be. It might be a long wait.

3 Replies to “Katla volcano eruption in the year 1918”

  1. Your post was very timely! ;o)

    M3.2 at Katla’s caldera plus two M2+ quakes at the same place. One of them could be a reflection of the M3.2 quake, so magnitudes may change after the review. However, all quality factors are high.

    Also a quite deep M2.5 quake SW of Hekla.

  2. Only one real M3.1 and one M0.9 quake. The one closer to Hekla was a reflection, too.

  3. What great pictures you’ve managed to find. Interesting and as Jack says – timely.

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