Eruption in Etna volcano

Tonight around 21:00 UTC an eruption started in Etna volcano. From the views of the web cameras that watch Etna volcano. This eruption seems to be rather small. I do not expect it to get any bigger.

Web camera picture of the eruption in Etna volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Radio Studio 7, Italy.

Web camera picture of the eruption in Etna volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Radio Studio 7, Italy.

Eruptions in Etna volcano are frequent, so this event is no surprise that it is currently taking place. Live web camera feed can be found here.

23 Replies to “Eruption in Etna volcano”

    1. There is an bad storm passing over Iceland at this moment. It is also dark night at the moment in Iceland. So you do not see a lot on the web cameras.

  1. And what is going on at Tjörnes fracture zone. It is almost like a movement the whole length of Iceland as though it is all creaking apart a bit. Im sure the two centres of activity are unrelated really and it is just cooincidence though.

  2. Its a rather big earthquake swarm but so far it seems tectonic. The earthquakes started this morning and so far there is no harmonic tremor recorded, although there seems to be some minor tremor showing in the last hour in some stations in Reykjanes but I am not sure. I dont think is enough to confirm an eruption. The weather is currently calm.

  3. According to the news they say that this earthquake swarm is due to dike intrusion in this area. The swarm is dropping for the moment.

    There is going to be a blog post about this earthquake swarm soon.

  4. Well if it is a dyke intrusion there is maga around. Perhaps some time in the future their could be an undersea volcano there.

  5. From wikipedia:
    “The last known eruption in the volcanic system at Reykjanes submarine eruption took place at the points of Eldey Reykjanesrücken southeast in 1926.”

    1. Sorry, it was from german wiki:
      “The last known eruption in the volcanic system at Reykjanes took place at the Reykjanesridge southeast of Eldey in 1926.”

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