Earthquake swarm west of Grímsey island

Today (18. April 2023) at 07:59 UTC an earthquake swarm started west of Grímsey island. The distance is around 36 km west of Grímsey island. Largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of Mw4,2 and was felt in Siglufjörður and Akureyri towns.

Green star, red dots and orange dots west of Grímsey island. This shows the earthquake activity in this area. Dots also across north eastern Iceland as smaller earthquakes also happen there. Time on map is 18. apr. 23. 14:05 (Icelandic time).
Earthquake swarm west of Grímsey island. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

At the writing of this article, this earthquake swarm is ongoing and there’s a risk of stronger earthquakes in this area. This area last had a major earthquake swarm in June 2020. With largest earthquake in that swarm having a magnitude of Mw5,8.