Increased hydrothermal activity in Askja volcano

This is a short article about Askja volcano. Because I am getting information that are in my view slightly conflicting with each other.

It seems that an there has been a increase in gas and hydrothermal activity in Askja volcano and in nearby area because of inflation that is currently taking place. At the writing of this article the inflation in Askja volcano seems to have reached between 80mm to 100mm. The reports have been slightly difficult to place in a good picture of what is happening. That’s why I am limiting coverage about this until it becomes more clear to me what is going on.

The general advice from Icelandic Met Office is that people should not hike around Askja volcano or nearby area because of risk of gas and sudden eruption. There is no special earthquake activity at the moment and that makes it difficult to know what is going on. This might change without warning, as is sometimes the case with volcanoes.

Earthquake activity in Hofsjökull volcano

Yesterday (12. August 2023) an small earthquake swarm took place in Hofsjökull volcano. Largest earthquake had a magnitude of Mw3,0 and the second largest earthquake had a magnitude of Mw2,5. The area is remote and there are no reports of this earthquakes being felt.

Dots in Hofsjökull volcano, that is at the center of this image. Between Langjökull to the west and Vatnajökull to the south-east. One earthquake is located at the caldera rim in the south part of Hofsjökull volcano. Other earthquakes are located on a line in north part of the volcano.
Earthquake activity in Hofsjökull volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

According to Morgunblaðið news there where report of smelling gas after this earthquake activity. There is a risk of gas pockets around Hofsjökull volcano, probably mostly to the north in the area closest to the earthquake area.

I don’t have any other information about Hofsjökull volcano. Because it last erupted more than 12.000 years ago. At most there might have been smaller eruptions that resulted in lava flows sometimes in the last 12.000 years. I don’t expect an eruption now, this earthquake activity might signal a long term change in Hofsjökull volcano. How long that is going to be is anyone guess. It might be in the next 100 to 500 years or maybe never. Hofsjökull volcano is on its own rift zone that is slowly dying off. Along with Kerlingafjöll volcano to the south of Hofsjökull volcano. This are the only two (?) active volcanoes on this old dying rift zone (its around 5 to 10 million years old).