How donations help me II

This is a off-topic blog post.

The earlier background information can be found here.

The saving project for the next 14 or so months

After what I call a rather expensive (more then expected and more what I liked) August. I am going to freeze my spending for the next 14 or so months. That means I am going to limit my spending as much that I can do during this time. But that is until I move back to Denmark in February 2013. I have to spend some money on food, maintenance on my computer and all necessary stuff. But I am going to limit that as I can possible do. I just hope that nothing dies or fails computer wise during this period.

My debt paying down plan is running good at current time. I do not expect any problems with it, at least nothing that I cannot balance out in the budget during the paying down period. At least that is what I hope actually happens. But I have to wait and see what happens actually.

How the donation button works

This might be obvious. But I am going to write it down anyway.

The “Donation” button is a single donation. It is what you want to donate. It is a free range of what people want to donate. The “Subscribe” donation button is fixed at €10, but that is $14.17, 8.7GBP, 74.51 DKK, 93.29 SEK (current exchange rate, this is a estimate). It runs for 6 months and then has to be renewed. I did not want to last for 12 months or longer. I did not find it to be fair to the people how donate, as things change change a lot in 6 months. This option was for people how might want to donate regularly. But not a large amount each time they donate.

People how want to donate in other currencies the Euro can do so. I support SEK, DKK, USD, GBP. If requested I can add more currencies that I can support. But it has to be a currency that might be used every once in a while. I do not want to support a currency that is never used for a donations.

The income problem

As I have told people before. I just have my income from social welfare. Something that I am to get my self off with income from e-book sales when the time comes. But at the moment this blog and a new blog that I am going to create are my work and provide a little bit of income during the month. This extra income helps in that sense it allows me to pay down my debt faster. But I would not go as far saying it allows me to collect some money in the long run. But I am going to do my best with saving money during this winter, as I need to do if if I want to move back to Denmark.

It is also a problem in Iceland in regards to income how prices are going up in regards to food and other stuff. I do however not expect this to be too big of a problem during the next 14 months or so while I am living in Iceland. I just hope that I make it out in time before the economic mess starts in Iceland. If people want to talk about it, they can do so here on my main Icelandic blog where I write about this in English or Icelandic if they fancy Google Translate errors.

I hope that my income problems gets less annoying when I start to publish my e-books. But I plan to release few short stories in few weeks time. Those are not long stories and won’t be expensive. At least I hope for the best when it comes to e-book sales.

As always I thank you for the support that I get with donations. 🙂

Earthquake swarm on the TFZ

There is currently a earthquake swarm taking place on the TFZ. This earthquake swarm appears to be rather small at the moment. The largest earthquake so far has been a ML3.2 according to the automatic earthquake list on Icelandic Met Office earthquake list.

There is no volcano activity connected to this earthquake swarm, as there are no volcanoes in this area off the coast of Iceland but there are volcanoes in part of what is considered part of TFZ. This area has its earthquakes from a slip faults. But they move in both north-east to north-west, but also in south-north direction in some cases.

The Tjörnes Fracture Zone. Copyright of this picture belongs to it’s owner. Picture found here.

Here is the latest earthquake image from Icelandic Met Office about this earthquake swarm.

Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

It is impossible to know how this earthquake swarm behaves. It is also known for the TFZ area that one earthquake swarm can start a new earthquake swarm nearby if a large enough earthquake happens. This happens sometimes, but not always. It is not a common thing to take place in the TFZ from what I remember about activity in TFZ.

I am going to update this blog post if this earthquake activity becomes something larger then it already is, or if a large earthquakes takes place in the TFZ.