Increased conductivity in Múlakvísl glacier river

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It has been reported in Icelandic media today that there is an increased conductivity in Múlakvísl glacier river that comes from Mýdalsjökull glacier. This increased conductivity started in Múlakvísl on 31-December-2013 and has lasted until today (it might last for few days longer).

Mýrdalsjökull glacier is on top of Katla volcano. There are no signs of increased activity following this and according to the news this is most likely a cauldron under the glacier empting it self of water melted by hydrothermal area under the glacier. So far there is no risk to this increased conductivity in Múlakvísl glacier river.

There are no signs of glacier flood is about to take place, at least it is not going to a large one if it happens. That is the current idea at the moment anyway. No earthquake activity or tremor activity has taken place following this changes in Múlakvísl glacier river.

Icelandic News about this

Aukin rafleiðni en ekki útlit fyrir hlaup (Rú
Fylgjast vel með Múlakvísl (
Vaxandi rafleiðni í Múlakvísl (Ví

6 Replies to “Increased conductivity in Múlakvísl glacier river”

  1. Voðalega er þetta niðurdrepandi peningavæl í öðrum hverjum pósti. Farðu og finndu þér vinnu maður, getur skrifað in your own time meiri möguleikar þarna en á Íslandi
    . Það þýðir ekkert að sitja heima að skrifa þegar það er ekki fjárhagslegur grundvöllur fyrir því.
    En plús fyrir skrifin hér vel unnið, en ekki full vinna.

    Horrible depressing talk about money in every other post. Go and find yourself work man, you can write in your free time. More chance to get að job (any job) there then in Iceland. Does not work to sit at home writing and blogging when it is not a financial basis for it.
    Plus side, the blog is very well done and detailed, but not a full time job.

    1. If you don’t like what I write you don’t have to read it. You also don’t have to support my work. This is a full time job for many reasons, it is highly doubtful that you are going to understand them.

      1. I have a fantastic idea for you my friend. Launch a crowd funding project. Explain all the hardware you need, web hosting for say 3 years and some paid hours for work. Im very confident it will be successful if it is a reasonable cap on the goal, say 5000 dollars.

  2. Elmar was a bit blunt perhaps, but he made a valid point and his critisism appears to be constructive. Its ok to be offended, but do something with the remarks. Try other ways if you need funding to continue the work on the great blog, or its contents will soon be ddominated by the begging 🙂

    1. Many websites ask for donations to keep them self running, rather then having advertisements. I have removed the advertisements since I don’t like them and the income from having advertisements is in general small one. Since I don’t have million of page views each day.

      But I still need to have income from this since we all got expenses to cover. My social welfare is so low in Iceland that I can barley make a living from it. In fact, it is so low that in Iceland many people on social welfare cannot even go to the doctors today (shame on the Icelandic government for have it like this!).

      I don’t think this website is going to be doomed. Just for the reason that I am not quitting on it.

  3. I understand your reasons Jon, I may not be in a position to support you, but if I were I would. The first place the media will look when there is something to report in Iceland is your site. They should be contributing!!!

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