Earthquake swarm in Vatnafjöll mountain (south of Hekla volcano)

Today (13-December-2021) at 16:04 UTC an earthquake swarm started in Vatnafjöll mountains. This looks like a aftershock activity from the Mw5,2 earthquake in this area few weeks back. Three earthquakes with magnitude above Mw3,0 took place. The earthquake magnitudes where Mw3,0 (at 16:04), magnitude Mw3,2 (at 16:07) and magnitude Mw3,5 (at 16:08).

Græn stjarna suður af Heklu sýnir staðsetningu jarðskjálftanna í Vatnafjöllum mountains
Earthquake activity south of Hekla volcano in Vatnafjöll mountains. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

There continues to be a risk of more aftershocks in this area. It remains a question if there is going to be a stronger earthquake activity in this area in next few weeks.


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