Two earthquakes in Katla volcano

Today (22-November-2020) at 11:08 UTC an earthquake with magnitude Mw3,1 took place in Katla volcano. No change in harmonic tremor was seen after this earthquake and no other earthquake activity has happened after this earthquake besides a one earthquake with magnitude Mw1,2 at 13:31 UTC.

The earthquake in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Current activity in Katla volcano is below normal background activity for this time of the year. It has been a quiet year for Katla volcano and I am not expecting any change to happen soon.


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One Reply to “Two earthquakes in Katla volcano”

  1. Magma intrusion on the Eastern flank of Mýrdalsjökull? I wouldn’t really call it a swarm, but repeated EQs, and most of them happening at significant depth.

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