Earthquake activity in Katla volcano

During the night of 23-July-2020 at 05:36 UTC a magnitude Mw3,3 earthquake took place in Katla volcano. There was no change in harmonic tremor following this earthquake and that means that magma stayed were it is in Katla volcano. In the hours since this earthquake took place there has not been any increase in earthquake activity or harmonic tremor change in Katla volcano.

The earthquake activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Earlier earthquakes had a magnitude of Mw2,4 and Mw2,7. All other earthquakes were smaller in magnitude. I don’t expect anything more to happen now and Katla volcano remains quiet.

8 Replies to “Earthquake activity in Katla volcano”

  1. Austmannsbunga (AUS) drum and tremor plots are looking kind of busy. I don’t think it’s caused by wind, so maybe crackling ice or melt water moving?

  2. I guess some stress was released, and Katla went very calm again for a few days.

    Now (11:42) we have an M2.1 at the depth of 4.1 km inside the caldera. This should be about the depth of the magma chamber if I remember correctly? According to the regular pattern, it could start a new chain of events closer to the surfare (i.e. a green star, smaller EQs, plus raised conductivity/flow in Múlakvisl. Possible pollution of Sulphur Dioxide.)

    Or maybe nothing more will happen this time.

    Wait and see 🙂

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