Magnitude Mw3,1 earthquake in Hamarinn volcano

Today (13-October-2019) at 17:44 UTC a magnitude Mw3,1 earthquake took place in Hamarinn volcano (no Global Volcanism Page, see Bárðarbunga volcano). There has been some earthquake activity in this area for last several weeks.

Earthquake activity in Hamarinn volcano (green star). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Last time there was this increase in earthquake activity in Hamarinn volcano an eruption happened in July 2011 without warning and no earthquake activity before it. That eruption remains unconfirmed by the professionals but I hold that we it did happened based on documented data (harmonic tremor, glacier flood).


Currently I only need 37259 ISK (263€/$292USD) to pay for the shipping of my belongings to Denmark. If all the amount is paid in time there won’t be any storage charge or at most a really small one (next week). I have to pay the storage charge before I get my belongings delivered. I unfortunately have to use tiny amount of this for transport and food. I plan on having that as minimal as possible. Thanks for the support. 🙂