Earthquake activity in Presthnjúkar volcano (south Langjökull glacier)

Yesterday (16-March-2019) an earthquake swarm took place in Presthnjúkar volcano (south-Langjökull) or a volcano connected to it (there is a chance this volcano does not have a Global Volcanism Program profile). This earthquake swarm has been slow moving and only around 21 earthquakes have taken place in this earthquake swarm.

The earthquake swarm in Langjökull glacier. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Largest earthquake in this swarm had a magnitude of 3,0 and other earthquakes that took place were smaller in magnitude. It is unclear why this earthquake activity is taking place, there is a chance this is just a tectonic movement. Last eruption in this volcano took place more than 5000 years ago. It appears that this earthquake swarm is now over. There is always a possibility that new earthquake swarm is going to start at the same or close to this earthquake swarm location.


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