Earthquake activity far east of Iceland continues

Today (30-May-2017) Icelandic Met Office has registered a magnitude 3,8 earthquake far east of Iceland, around 370 km from the east Iceland coastline. This earthquake location is registered as close to the earlier earthquake activity in the same area. That might just be an calculation error due to distance from the SIL network. This earthquake activity has not been registered by EMSC.

The green star shows the location of this earthquake. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

There have been smaller earthquakes in the same area for the last few days. This appears to be intra-plate earthquake activity, this sometimes happens in Iceland and most recent earthquake activity like this took place in 2006 in Vestfjörð close to Djúpavík. That earthquake swarm lasted for a good one and a half week. What is happening at this location is mostly unknown, this applies to number of earthquakes happens. Only the strongest earthquakes are being recorded due to the distance from the SIL network.


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2 Replies to “Earthquake activity far east of Iceland continues”

  1. This quake is no longer on the Vedur site, so it migt have been an error…

    1. I don’t think it was an error. Icelandic Met Office sometimes removes earthquakes if they can’t locate them properly. What happened in this case I don’t know.

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