Update on the donation/support matters

As can be seen I have added the subscription button from Paypal again to this site. The reason is that some people might not want to register on skrill.com to send me donation, the subscription button is also for people who want to support me every month. This means that I am not going to remove Paypal completely. However I cannot use the donation button as it’s not meant for websites like mine, as Paypal explains here clearly. So if you want to support me, you have to send me donation manually with Paypal to my email address at jonfr@8930a1.talbot.shared.1984.is (it’s spam protected from clear view). Currently I am not ready to use my account at skrill.com, but that is going to be a preferred way to send me donations in the future or by sending them via bank over SWIFT bank system

Support is welcomed this month since I am rather too broke this month and I am not going to see a lot of improvement (ISK is now at 22,77 ISK = 1 DKK at Visa exchange rate in Iceland or €1 = 169,23 ISK) any time soon. So far this month has been rather bad when it comes to money for me. November is also going to be like this I expect and maybe January-2014 too. After that I am not sure how my status is going to be.

Update 1: I am going to add the new bank account to the support website tomorrow.

Thanks for the support.

Blog post updated at 00:49 UTC on 14-October-2013.