Earthquake update on TFZ at 19:00 UTC on 24.10.2012

There is little change in the earthquake activity at TFZ today. The amount of earthquake activity on TFZ is about the same today as it was yesterday. But when this is written there have been about 100 earthquakes. But that number is going to change soon, as new earthquakes continue to happen.

The earthquake swarm in TFZ as it is today at 24.10.2012. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

The trace of the earthquake activity during the past 48 hours. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Earthquake activity has moved a bit to the south. In the area what is called Flatey-Húsavíkur fault. This fault is known for making up to Mw7.0 earthquakes. If that is going to happen now is impossible to know at current time. But IMO has told of this risk in an news bit from yesterday (see yesterday blog post). For the moment however. The only thing that can be done is to wait and see what happens next in TFZ.