Quiet time continues in Iceland geology

It has been rather quiet in Iceland during past few weeks. This seems to be continuing to some extent. There are few earthquakes and nothing noticeable is taking place in Icelandic volcanoes at the moment. While this quiet time is currently I am going to enjoy the summer a little bit. I am also trying to survive the heatwave that has been taking place in Denmark + Northern Europe for the past 10 days. As currently I am not used to type of heat (over 25C). But that is going to take some time until I do.

I am going to try and write something while it is quiet in Iceland. But this quiet time is going to mean longer time between blog posts. But I am sure that something of interest is going to happen soon in Iceland.

17 Replies to “Quiet time continues in Iceland geology”

  1. Jon,
    Could this be the calm before the storm? Just speculating here. We never know and just have to watch and wait. It could be quiet all summer.

    1. Quiet periods in Iceland are always followed by highly active periods. The reason being that quiet period build up strains in terms of earthquakes. Volcanoes follow different set of rules. As they move when the magma inside them moves and that can be at random times and places.

    1. After some consideration and checking what this blog post is about. I have decided not to answer it. In fact, it is my advice to anyone not to answer that blog post. As I have judged to be nothing more then troll festival, as such. It is best ignored.

      1. Jon, I think you have done the right thing in choosing not to respond to the unnecessarily inflammatory post on Carl’s blog. I have been following this blog for some time, and Volcanocafe since it was launched. After reading that post, which in my opinion unnecessarily targets both you and Dr Einarsson with criticism of a personal nature, I have decided to discontinue reading Carl’s blog. I simply cannot in good conscience reward a site, and a group of people that targets someone like that, with hits.

        I find it a shame that Carl’s blog felt that it is necessary to stoop to such a level with such an attack. Sad, and completely unwarranted. A shame.

        Oh well, I still have this blog, Eruptions and a couple of others to keep up with.

      2. Oh good. Another holier than thou specimen. “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

      3. There’s no argument at all folks, no real issue at all. Simple misunderstanding – still bundles of respect for both Jón and Carl. Some people are taking this far too seriously.

      4. If you think I am “holier than thou” for objecting to a post which I find objectionable in tone & intent then so be it. Your perspective may vary.

        My opinion is that the post crossed the line when it made veiled references to “financial motivations” being behind Jon’s posts on this blog.

        I am entitled to that opinion, just as you are to yours. If you cannot see any nastiness in that post the fine, you don’t have to object to it. To me, it clearly reeks of payback for past occurrences on this blog.

        These are my last words on this issue.

      5. In science, specially in geology events are often marked by discussions on what they mean. Even long time after they happen.

        Geology, earthquakes, volcanoes are not well understood today and won’t be for long time. So it is no surprise that people get things wrong. Even the experts gets things wrong, with deadly consequent (Good example: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/horizon/2001/volcanohelltrans.shtml).

        This is something that I respect with the professional, they also respect this with me. As I know that my blog is well received among the professional people (since I try to keep my facts in order). I also don’t claim to be an expert. My status as a amateur geologist is well established, and is going to remain that until I learn to be professional geologist (that might take some time).

        For this reasons. I do not see any reason to answer the blog post on Carl’s blog. I suspect Páll Einarsson won’t answer it either for similar reasons.

        I am going to be as professional as I can be. But nature, being as it is. Can fool us all when it fells like it.

      6. You are doing great Jon! Whatever reason Carl has for writing what he does is unknown.
        To me he is showing traits of being a bully. The fact is that he writes so much BS and is completely unscientifical at times with complete guesswork as facts. Then he has the nerve to accuse others of making mistakes.
        His manners though seems to attract some people and that is a shame.

  2. Good luck with the writing.

    I am not a fan of sudden heatwaves: by the time you have acclimatised, the weather breaks again. Hope you find a cool, shady spot.

  3. I’ll comment.

    Eyjafjallajökull erupts infrequently. The 2010 eruption involved fresh basaltic magma entering the system.

    I have a gut feeling – nothing more – that the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull *sightly* increases the chances that a future (not necessarily the *next*) eruption of Katla will be a very large one indeed – an Eldgjá or Laki type of event.

    A slight supporting factoid for the above view can be found in the history… the previous two eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull were purely explosive, summit eruptions, and fairly small. The last eruption of Eyjafjallajökull which involved fissures and lava flows was a larger eruption in 920AD… and was followed 14 years later by Eldgjá…

    Correlation =/= causation. This opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it 🙂


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