Internet connection problem at Skeiðflöt geophone station

I have been having this issue for some time. I have already tried to fix it already. But that solution has not worked, and if I want to move to 3G connection it is going to cost me at least 15900 ISK, 97€, $123, 726 DKK. The problem is rather continued connection dropout. The connection that I am currently using is a 2Mbps ADSL connection that owners of the farm have, but over an poor phone line that does not carry ADSL signal so well (as I suspect is the case rather then anything else that I have think of before). There is an good 3G 900 signal in this area. So my solution would be to move this to 3G internet, rather then anything else. The connection charge pr month would be 1690 ISK (10€, $13, 77DKK) for 3GB of data. With that move. I should solve the connection dropout issues permanently.

This appears on my geophone web page with lack up updates for the Skeiðflöt geophone station. If it was connected normally, as it is going to be soon. This would result in green lines all over the helicorder image. Something that is not good, and makes it harder for me to monitor Katla volcano in real time. I plan on fixing this next month by switching over to 3G connection at that location. So I guess that June is going to be a bit broke for me as well (thankfully, there is cheap food in Denmark that I can buy. But I am still going to be broke). But I am going to work out the money issue somehow in the end.

5 Replies to “Internet connection problem at Skeiðflöt geophone station”

  1. how many km is this phone line to the next operator ? is it in símstöð Vík? Somebody told me that adls can handle about 4km.

    1. The distance is shorter then that I think (at least it gives them 2Mbps ADSL). But the phone line is old and is on an farm area. That means sometimes a lot of interference from electric fences during the summer, along with normal phone line issues due to age and distance.

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