Iceland, Canary Island and Spain volcano and earthquake forum announcement

I was going to announce this for December. But things often change faster then I had planned. But sometimes it is just important to make the jump, as I did originally with this blog. Over the past year the traffic increase on this blog has been large. Way larger then I did expect when I did start this blog. With this type of growth there is a need for different ways to deal with all manners of issues.

No subscription for this blog and forum planned forever

It is my firm believe that science should be free for betterment of mankind everywhere. For that reason I am not going to change this blog into subscription forum. I also believe that access to science data should be free and open to all. As that encourages progress and new ideas. While that I can only do that here and nowhere else, so be it.

Because of this policy I am going to survive on nothing else then donations of good people and advertisements. But after a long consideration I find that to be a better option then a subscription plan for this place.

The forum is on different domain

I am going to have the forum on a different domain that I have already bought (it is not yet active. I am waiting for that now). The reason for this is to prevent confusion between the two. But they are going to be hosted on the same server anyway. But if the forum grows like this blog. I am going to start buying bigger hosting package, as this one is already getting too small when the traffic is at its highest. But with that comes increased hosting cost. This forum is going to support live chat for up to 50 users at the same time. I am going to be using Invasion Power board for this task.

I am going add the domain name here once it becomes active and when I finish setting the forum up properly. It is going to take 1 to 2 days until it is all up and ready. (it is a .eu domain)

Cost of the forum + domain

The cost of the domain was $15.99 for one year and 179.99$ for the forum for 6 month licence (upgrades). A renewed licence costs $25 every 6 months (I might take it, since updates are important for security of the forum).

Why forum ?

The reason for the forum is simple. There is a need for it. As this blog grows there are dull times that people like to chat about other things then just volcanoes and earthquakes. This blog has limited space for that due to its nature (its a blog). A forum is a way better for that type of chat. This also gives people chance to share pictures, charts and other things more easy then on this blog. The forum is however fully integrated part of this blog, even if it is on a different domain.

It is going to take some to fully set-up and work on. But one thing is clear is that a forum needs a different strategy then a blog. So I am going have to add some moderators to it with time along with Administrators as the time goes on. But it is going to take time and work as everything else.

Thank you all for the patience in this matter. I also want to thank everyone for the support and understanding in all this.

Update 1: Even if I open up forum. This blog is not going anywhere. If you think that, you are wrong. This blog is not going to be part of the forum. But it is going to be part of the same whole thing. But the blog and forum are going to be separated in therms of what is going to be discussed.

I find that some people are to are to quick to judge this. Since the forum has not even opened up yet. But I know from other large web sites that this works and it seems to work well for them.

Blog post updated at 19:46 UTC on 13 November, 2011

326 Replies to “Iceland, Canary Island and Spain volcano and earthquake forum announcement”

  1. Very silly question in many respects I guess but 99% of my Internet action is via my mobile phone. How would the new format change for me? I want to be a part of both the blog and the general chat but I am concerned how the format is going to work for both myself and maybe other mobile users.

    Any answers are gratefully appreciated 😉

  2. Does anyone who is still awake know what software powers the forums at . The style, AFAIK, is unique and handles a staggering number of posts daily. It manages to be both factual and chatty and is quickly responsive. It might be a real alternative to the usual forum formula. Then again it started a long time ago, created in the UK by Phil Askey who recently sold the lot to Amazon and became rich. The likelihood is it’s proprietary.

      1. Are these not signs of magma on the move, like for instance a chamber of a nearby volcano filling??

        I noticed after many weeks of observing that the spikes SKR are quite common but this one seemed a bit more pronounced then normal. The same thing is also happening at KVO but here it is far more frequent.

  3. Good luck with the forum, and the moderating part especially, I predict many “god like predictions”.

    1. Ya know, I used to post over there quite a bit. There only so many times you can bash someone over the head with facts before it gets to be more trouble that its worth.

      I entertained some of the ideas long enough until I could find evidence to the contrary, and did the heavy lifting with the actual data rather than accept the ephemeral explanations.

      Now when I see some of the claims, I just give them the data and say “show me”

      1. Tried that with a couple of the really infected ones. They explained to me that the data had been doctored by the man, when I explained that it was my data, then I was informed that I was the man, and where I could stick my data.
        Last time I tried to explain that Nibiru does not exist.
        That’s when I started doing art, and creating Nibiru images (secretly airlifted out of NSA). Sadly they then believed me.

  4. Hi Jon and all,
    I’m glad to see you are making changes! I follow the blog and read it every day. When travelling I read it on my smartphone, but I have to say when there are a lot of comments it’s really hard navigating on the phone.
    Those who don’t like the change will stop reading, but this is your blog not a site run by the commenters. I’m glad you are not following the views of those who are whining and threating to stop coming here.
    It’s a free world, anyone can start up a blog of their own, but not many will be as successful as you are Jon.

    1. Whining?

      It seems that the only whining comes from the phone crowd. My only issue with the phone is the size of the response window and its dynamics.

      Btw, that’s what I’m on now and navigating is not an issue.

      As for leaving, I’ve done it before. The content got stale and I left. It’s gotten more dynamic, with questions, theories and musings. Renato Rio cled me into the activity so I returned.

  5. So, on the new forum, whatever it looks like, if I choose to talk science in the chit chat room, is science now going to be off topic there? Not trying to be a jerk, but what is to stop us from making just one huge thread over there with all the usual?


    1. One huge thread is cool, probbably 3 or 4 threads will be a good start, as long as latest post button is pressed one can comment immediately in all threads.
      I have been posting on an IP board site since 2005 and have enjoyed it tremendously, “Netweather”.
      The subject we are interested in will go well on a forum. I think people will be presently surprised. Good moderators and a good forum team is the key.
      Keeping the blog is very good idea too. I wish Jon good luck in this.

  6. This sounds sensible to me. I enjoy your blog, the scientific exchanges (including theories & musings) and the banter, but when I’m busy the first two take priority. I hope this change works out well. Thanks for your continued efforts.

  7. OT One more question. How do you pronounce Joke Volta’s name in English? I am enjoying her fearless reporting and it is much appreciated.

      1. That would explain a lot. I have been wondering about what kind of a spanish name that is,, but I thought it was some kind of local name type.
        Thanks for clearing that up.

  8. Sunday
    13.11.2011 21:36:29 63.931 -19.515 1.1 km 2.1 72.82 10.1 km SE of Hekla

    Does this quake not worry anyone else? 🙁

    1. To far away from Hekla to anything that could cause an eruption. Hekla is not really sensitive to quakes on that side. A close quake on the other side though normally causes a moderate transient.
      But it is the Hekla proper quakes that are really dangerous. If you see a quake there measuring 1,5 and upwards, then it is time to go into full monitoring mode.

  9. To be honest I am inclined to think the existing system, despite its flaws, is as good as any and better than most. This blog does rely on a core of keen people who post URL’s/info/data/stuff from outside and who have made it their ‘home’. My experience is that if this stops, the data coming from not-jon-friman will dry up, and make the blog a pale shadow of its existing form.

    There is no doubt that volcanoes spend most of their existence NOT erupting, so something to entertain the masses (and the blog contributors) is not a bad thing.

    As to having to scroll through reams of chatter, actually that only happens when the blog gets long and nothing is happening. All that is required is for jon to start a new blog at the appropriate time. So, for example, “Katla explodes” would be an information dense blog heading, whilst a blog dated a week ago, wouldn’t be (or even “Still Nothing Happening At Katla”). Actually you could even have a blog heading of “general chatter”, and it would be up to jon to start a new thread if anthing interesting happens.

    To be over strict might well loose the community that also contributes.

    NB Some editing by the blog supremo can always be done to tidy up a thread.

  10. Increased bubbling at the Restringa webcam and since 9am the camera has gone close-up.
    (For orientation the Dalek sheep would be seen off the screen at the very bottom left hand corner.)

    1. I thought so too. If Bob follows his last pattern we should be seeing much more activity over the next couple of days.

  11. Looks like a bubbling Bob this morning.

    My worry is that the people against the change are some of the main contributors, while those happy about it rarely post.

    I hope it goes well, but I’ve seen other places almost disappear after big changes.

  12. The boat sailed slowly into the jacuzzi and then did a very rapid hard about and got out of it sharpish.

    1. Ah, thanks forr that, I saw a dark spot on there (hard to tell what it was on my small laptop) and wondered was it a boat or a dark eruption wave again.

      1. It’s probably Ramon Margalef, doing sonar mapping – there they have to to parallel lines close to each other with rapid 180 degree turns. Granyia posted the sonar mapping track in the comments of the last post and I put up an image of how this works, check the last batch of comments of the previous post.

  13. looks like there is movement in the middle of the picture from time to time – slight bubbling and some steam?

    1. Yepp, the Jacuzzi is back.
      I guess that Bob had a bit of a had stomach for a while and now has cleared out the duct. I guess we missed a rather large ejection during the night.

      1. I cheated and put the livestream into VLC so I got a full screan image. Then layered five frames ontop of each other. It became a lot more obvious then 😉

      2. @Carl

        VLC, after digesting the link that you feed it, eventually finds the mms link inside what you fed it and displays that.

        mms: is the video equivalent of http: for us. It’s inside the http page’s guts and vlc knows how to find it… usually.

        With that we can avoid having our VLC fight through obscure http code. (sometimes it fails).

  14. I’m sorry Jon but i can’t help you with money, but i like this blog and i wish you great sucess for the future.

  15. Jon,
    If this is not the type of post you want here, please let me know. Having seen how yesterday unfolded, I really don’t know if it or any of the links I’ve posted or translations I have done are even wanted here, some might consider them trivial or trying to start an off topic discussion, I think them relevant, otherwise I wouldn’t have posted them.
    Perhaps you could let me know for future reference, I’m sure there are others out there like me unsure about what they should/not post after yesterday. Thanks

    Iron / the Mayor of the border town hall, David Cabrera of León, today demanded the revision of all the preventive measures taken in the municipality, including the reopening of the road to Sabinosa, the return home of the families evicted from the tips and the reopening of the tunnel in the Roquillos, “all this taking into account the municipality has been supporting more than 11,000 quakes and that considered risk areas have been supported perfectly all and each one of them “.

    1. Do not let those who wish no posts win Jenny.
      It is our forum in many ways, not theirs.

      Obviously it is Jóns, but I think you understand what I am trying to say. I will be darned to heck if I let 3 guys complaining get away with running away half of the posters in here.

      1. 🙂 from me too.
        And Jenny, I’ve also done translating, mostly of articles and comments on AVCAN fb about how people actually feel at El Hierro, but I think that’s all relevant to volcanoes. Not just how they work in geological/geophysical sense, but how people living there experience that. So yes, I’m all for you (and me 🙂 ) to continue posting translations.

      2. Its reassuring to know that my unqualified opinions, postings and efforts are welcomed, and my curiosity can continue to be satisfied, at least in/by some quarters. Thank you, go raibh maith agat.

      3. Keep ’em coming. I love the translations! And, did I get that right? Life as usual, go wherever you want? He thinks that thousands upon thousands of quakes have no meaning? And this guy’s in charge? I dunno, mad world.

        Maybe someone should start airlifting food to them. When you’re hungry, you’ll do anything. He must be hungry.

    2. Probably would have been a smarter move if Perfido Jr had insisted on installing temperature monitoring equipment at a couple of places in the rock in the tunnel.

      This follows the same idea of monitoring cave temps. Not all, just a few strategically located ones.

      My logic is if you are gonna let people inside a a tube on an awakening volcanic island… ya might want to at least be able to warn them of any danger that developed inside. (aside from earthquakes)

  16. I have been watching Bob’s boat bobbing back and forth over the jacuzzi. I managed to capture this bit. It’s a bit boring for a minute or so, but then the cam shakes. Could be wind, could be a little quake… but it did make Bob break wind right in front of the boat!!!
    I am not a professional Volcanologist and an even worse film maker!!
    The boat then made a rapid return to harbour. here is the best close up I could get. Maybe someone can identify it. I think it may be the Ramon Magalef

    1. No, it was a bit smaller than the Roman Margalef, and leaving at speed (judging by the wake) came into harbour at El Restinga. If you can get the harbour view (which has refused to load for me this morning) she’s probably moored there now.

      1. I could clearly see what looked like Ramon Margalef leave La Restinga just a couple of minutes ago.
        It could have been a coast guard cutter, but I doubt it one of those would be going ontop of the Jacuzzi. And it was no fishing boat, it was way to fast for being one of those.

    2. Yes it is Ramon Margalef.
      It shows clearly how dangerous what they do is.
      If that ship had been ontop of that bubble it would probably have sunk.
      With a large amount of gas bubbles in the water the buoyancy of a ship dissapears and it just sinks.
      Also gas release like that could really hurt the staff onboard unless they are wearing airbreathers.
      We kind of tend to forget that Bob, even though being mild-mannered, still is a volcano and as such is rather dangerous if one ventures to close. The forbidden zone is there for a reason. And the scientists of Ramon Margalef is doing a good and dangerous job running around on top of the volcano.

      I though not know if real volcanologists would do a run like that ontop of a live volcano though. Remember that the staff of Ramon Margalef are biologists, not volcanologists.

      1. It was a rescue vessel that has its port in La Restinga; it has a speed that the Ramon Margalef can only dream of.

  17. Nowhere near big enough to be the Ramon. It’s now moored in the left hand corner of Restinga harbour.

    It’s Jon’s blog, and he will do as he wants. but any blog or forum is only successful due to it’s contributors.

  18. The boat is Guadia Civil one. This morning began steam column in the jacuzzi. Today looks interesting. Will see.

    1. Could well have been that. But I am still curious what Guardia Civil was doing ontop of the Jacuzzi. Arresting a volcano is never a good idea. Cleaning up the drunk-tank after one is a mess.

      1. Bob is definitely resisting being cuffed and stuffed, there are some moments of high grumbling afoot today, I am confident!

  19. Me(amateur) and my girlfriend(geologist) used to read every single comment of this blog. But last few weeks there is no way we have time to do that so we just read the blog posts from Jon and skip the comment part. I am not going to read 500 comments to find 30 – 50 with useful information. I really think there is lot of people in the same place that doesn’t read the comments anymore because of this. If your read through the comments you can see that is a little group of people posting largest part of the OT comments. Of course this group love there OT comments, but people looking for geologic information does not. I am not on this site for entertainment, I am here geologic info.

    Thank you again Jon

    1. Topas, you are missing a small point.
      It is the same people that actually do post the geological info that also are the worst at posting OT. I would say that you cannot really have one without the other.
      We as all people get bored sometimes when nothing is happening. So we go silly. My simple suggestion was a café thread where we could keap the silliness, then you would not have to read it.
      I suggest that you mail Jón suggesting something like that really. Then the info you want from us would be keapt stringent and intact, and we would not go bored and leave this place, believe me, the place would get rather useless without the Power-posters putting in hundreds of man hours sifting out the usefull data.

      1. I think you need a bold tag in that.

        …believe me, the place would get rather useless without the Power-posters putting in hundreds of man hours sifting out the usefull data.

    1. Thank you so much for that Mirri, I keep missing the action as I have many responsibilities so I do appreciate very much ones that can add photos.

  20. I have been thinking about the run up to a Katla eruption recently. Many of the recent quakes including the largers ones have been very shallow (down to 0.1km). In theory, could an eruption be very close? I know a lot of you expect large earthquakes to happen before any eruption and so do I since that was what happened in 1918. But do we know what caused them and how long before the euption they happened? Also do we know how long it took the magma to melt its way through the icecap? Basically could the earthquakes be caused by magma-ice interaction during the final cap melt or could they only be caused by magma-earth interactions.

    I am considering the following hypothetical situation:

    Katla’s magma chamber is completely full and under immense pressure, magma is slowly working its way to the surface indicated by current smallish shallow earthquakes (M0-M3.5). No other signs will appear until the magma breaks free of the earth. this could be very soon if only 100m remains. It is “silent” as it moves very slowly in a highly pressurized environment where it has to melt a new channel as there no old ones are open any more. Although once in a while you could get small short harmonic tremors as magma finds itself rushing into small segments of old tubing maybe filled with groundwater. Once it breaks free of the earth and enters the icecap it interacts extremely violent with the ice while melting it. This results in the larger earthquakes (M3-M5). After 1-2 days the icecap is melted through and the eruption column appears along with the jökullhlaup. Is this realistic?

    1. The really shallow ones are normally Ice-quakes, that is when the ice shatters for various reasons. So those ones we normally disregard unless there is a lot of them at the same point in space and time, because then it could be hydrothermal activity. Normally they are though just the normal “creaking” of the ice.
      Regardin the harmonic, yes you pretty much have that nailed with magma rushing in somewhere. But remember that the big volcanos of Iceland have a tendency to open up fissures now and then, so it does not need to be old tubing.
      It is the other way around, you need the big quakes to open up a big conduit and break through the solidified rock. When it has opened up you get a whomping huge tremor increase, and then depending on the size of the eruption it would melt through in anything from a week to minutes. A VEI-5 eruption would blast it’s way through in minutes, and then blow out all that is in the way in that process. Messy business. In that case a Jökulhlaup would happen at the same time, or even after the eruption column has gotten visible.

      1. So magma cannot “silently” melt its way upwards?

        What I am hearing you say is that magma stays put while pressure increases until the surrounding earth cannot contain it anymore after which it cracks and allows the magma to move into the resulting crack.

      2. That would be half of the explanation. That is what is happening at El Hierro. It is like a zit, pressure build up, and sooner or later something gives and it all starts coming out.
        The icelandic volcanos though have yet another trick up their sleaves. At least those that are on an active rift.
        In those the active tectonic rifts under them slowly move, and that movement is pent up and released in something called rifting episodes. And when one of those happens a fisure is ripped open as the microplates move apart or laterally along each other, that then works as a vacum pump suckng magma out of the chamber with a massive force. That creates a back pressure in the chamber, the chamber then sucks in new magma in rapid pace. This is the most dangerous type of eruptions that can happen if it happens to an allready filled up volcano. Then you get something called rifting fissure eruption. Those fissures can be a 100 kilometre long and spew out vast amounts of magma, well above 10 cubic kilometres of lava.
        There are currently 5 active volcanos in Iceland that can do this on a massive scale (and another 5 that can do it on a smaller scale). Those are from west to east and then turning to the north: Hengill, Katla (Eldgja fissure swarm), Grimsvötn (Laki fissure swarm), Bardarbunga (Veidivötn fissure swarm), and Theistareykjarbunga. The 3 most likely to do it are those with named fissure swams. Normally we have a rifting episode about every 270 years. So most likely one of the three usual suspects will have a rifting fissure eruption during my lifetime.

        Reegarding silently melting upwards: That would be Hekla for you. Normaly you only get a few piddly quakes that are to small to be felt during a couple of hours, and then she blows. If you feel a quake ontop of her, you are most likely dead within minutes.
        Hekla is by far the most likely volcano to erupt next on Iceland, and the only one I would never ever climb right now.

      3. Could not Askja with its around 200 km long fissure swarm also be one of the most likely to produce such an eruption of flood basalts?

      4. Inge:
        Yes she probably could, but sofar she seems to be content with rather small fissure eruptions of about a “mere” 1 cubic kilometre… She is more into ashy explosive eruptions when she goes.

  21. Is it just me or is there activity closer to the harbour of La Restinga today?
    It also looks a bit like a new and smaller jacuzzi on the righthand side.
    I might though see things that does not exist.

    1. Yes Carl, I agree.
      Main Jacuzzi to the left and a smaller one to the right.

      OT -> Carl you wrote you studied music, are you an intrumentalist?

      1. Good, than I hadn’t gotten even more crazy.

        I play the piano, but my mastersubject was counterpoint (composition). I though left it longtime ago and became a physicist instead. Math and composition is really close after all.

  22. I think there is a new fissure that has opened up closer to the harbour.
    This time it is a transverse fissure running along the beach.
    There is at least 3 new vents if I have counted it correctly. That explains that there are 2 boats running around there. They are trying to see what is happening.
    I would guess that this new transverse fissure is about 300 metres closer to the beach than before, but I might be wrond and it is Bob that have grown into a transverse fissure to.

      1. Hm, the embeded link did play for me. I got it from someone a couple of days ago and pasted it in, and it has been running since. Problem is just that I am not savy enough with VLC to unpaste it…
        I bet someone who is savy will post it soon.

      2. Could it be that there is now a small ridge surmounting the water just a little bit and with the waves breaking on it – directly above left harbour tower?

      3. How can I put it to full screen?
        I just saw the burst of white for the first time live. Thanks.

    1. In a nutshell, could you explain a transverse fissure please? I have an idea, but I really over-complicate stuff in my fermented mind. Basically, tell me so that I can relay it to my 6-year-old for her to understand too!

      1. The regular fissue runs in a straight line out from the magma-chamber. It has created that underwater ridge running from La Restinga to the south.
        A transverse fissure runs at 90 degrees across the normal fissure.

      2. Teco Paco… Transverse means across, fissure is a line or breakage. To sum up: Referring to possible openings running parallel to the coast, rather than perpendicular (as in out to sea or towards land).

      3. Thank you Carl and Jay, I thought so but just wanted to make sure it wasn’t something far more technical 🙂

    2. I’d say that two, that there could be 3 vents now in line – new fissure parallel to the older one and closer to shore.

      1. Sorry, in dire need of another cup of coffee or so it seems: should have been “too”, not “two”, of course.

      2. Raymond on ER once said that he saw a possible 6 jaccuzis. Never heard anything more about that.

      3. I think he was exaggerating. The page on which he wrote that is no longer available. There seems to be that he has manipulated a photo too. I’ve only just heard about it and a discussing it was never to my knowledge here.

    3. Hi Carl I shared your coment above ( November 14, 2011 at 12:09) on the FB of “volcan de El Hierro· I hope don’t bother you, if it is problem, make me know. 🙂 still I don’t share your nickname.

      1. thanks, Carl. I agree with you it is at very accurate pictures…..sorry to answer to you so late. And I’m glad you keep around here. 🙂

  23. Magnitude mb 4.7
    Date time 2011-11-14 11:34:57.0 UTC
    Location 39.79 N ; 29.40 W
    Depth 10 km
    Distances 1735 km W Queluz (pop 103,399 ; local time 11:34:57.4 2011-11-14)
    226 km NW Angra (pop 12,045 ; local time 10:34:57.4 2011-11-14)
    148 km NW Lagoa (pop 9,239 ; local time 10:34:57.4 2011-11-14)

  24. Guardia Civil boat is taking pictures close up of some bigs pyroclasts in jacuzzi. Islanders in La Estaca Port? Kristina Keterina cruise with 400. An helicopter in jacuzzi. Yes Carl now is 3 or 4 jacuzzi in line.

    1. Is that for sure Guardia Civil boat? It looks very much like the size of the Ramon Margalef to me. Just going in to harbour at la Restinga.

      1. If the information at
        is correct, the Ramon Margalef is still in the harbour of Puerto de la Estaca and has been there for all day. Use “locate a ship” (name) to find it and zoom in for a better view. Click on the blue triangle beneath to see where the ship has been for the last 24 hours.

  25. Jon,

    Are you planning on making the forum Tapatalk-compatible, since here as well 95% of my connection to the world is with a Galaxy S2-phone, and Tapatalk is definately the best forum-app out there.

    So far the blog has been excellent to read with the mobile browser, even with 1000+ comments (although on older phones, in that case, it might not be as smooth anymore).

    1. This should be compatible with all touch screens that are made today. It is at least iPhone compatible. But I do not know yet how far that support goes. As I have to figure that out my self when the forum goes online.

      1. Works fine on a Droid.

        Other than my response box getting freaky if I go to long in my response. But that’s not the forums fault.

  26. I think a forum i a great idea! It is much easier to keep tidy and up to topic. In a forum people can debate different topics in the threads where they belong. As it is now it is hard to keep track when the blogposts often ends up with something that is off topic.

  27. Definitely seeing that darker centre in the jaccuzi spot again. looks like Bob the builder is active again.

    1. Also when did they allow the people of La Restinga back home> I am seeing many cars there now.

  28. There was a long period earthquake at 12:10 UTC on the CHIE seismometer. I do not know where that earthquake was. But it is clear on the signal, even trough the harmonic tremor that is taking place.

    This happens when magma is pushing up trough he rock of the volcano.

    1. I’m sure there must have been some somewhere along Icelands history line. Do you mean purely from earthquakes or from volcanoes too? I believe the fissure eruption of Laki resulted in over 9000 deaths from lava flow, and directly from the disease and starvation that was suffered there after.

      I shall do some digging for you..

      1. Maybee < 100 alltogether.
        1 in 20.century 4 in 1896 3 in 1784

        from my memory.
        There is an essay somwhere.

  29. I’ve been trying to connect to the Telefonica webcams all morning to see this new activity – and nothing, all I get is the black screen with the white connecting circle. 🙁

    Any chance that anyone has grabbed any screenshots of the action?

      1. Yes, it is always there so it must be something like that!
        On the pic 13:34:30 something looking like a white box (?) was showing but then disappeared again.

      2. Hehe, yes. Thanks.

        These pictures remind me of photos of supposedly Nessie sightings in Loch Ness. 🙂

  30. Thanks to Geolurking for the tide information. I’ve also found some software that generates earth tide amplitudes for any point on the earth. To try to show a correlation between the earthquake data and tide data I propose to put both sets of data through a low-pass FIR filter which cuts off below a period of 10 days and then comparing the graphs. The FIR filter has linear phase and filtering both sets of data will cancel out the filter delay. So I’m hoping that some kind of correlation will show up. Watch this space.

    1. jcsager… I will do, and await your findings eagerly. This has been one of pet theories often debunked by others here. Although I do push things a bit attempting to correlate with lunar phases.

      1. FYI, jcsager is working on a different angle than the theories that I attack. That line of thinking deals with mass loading affecting the magma chamber, not tides dragging magma around.

        I think El Hierro’s “reservoir” is too deep, but it’s in a field with a sound theory and backed by real research. Not some obscure arxive paper looking at the lunar connection to 300 year old earthquakes.

  31. I like Jon’s idea about two separate websites. I come here almost exclusively for information about Katla. The “off topic” conversations seem to be personal “chit chat” that belongs in an entirely different forum. Jon must certainly spend a lot of time reviewing these posts, and his time would be better spent doing something else. My solution would’ve been much stricter: two posts and two replies per blog entry. Anything more than that and the site is no longer a blog and morphs into a message board, with people treating each blog entry as a new thread. There are other forums for that, which the vast majority of users will probably choose to ignore.

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