Earthquake with magnitude of Mw7,5 in South Turkey

Today (06. February 2023) at 10:24 UTC an earthquake with magnitude of Mw7,5 took place. This earthquake took place less than 12 hours after the Mw7,8 earthquake took place 50 km south of this earthquake. USGS is reporting (seen on CNN) that 10000 people might have died in this earthquakes because of were it is located. The real number might be higher. News is also reporting that 582 people have died in Syria because of this earthquakes. There is heavy aftershock activity in this area and the second largest aftershock had a magnitude of Mw6,7 at 01:28 UTC.

Earthquakes as shown by USGS map. Large orange dots showing the earthquake activity in different sized rings. Size of rings depends on magnitude. More then dozen rings.
Earthquake activity as it is on USGS map. Public domain/USGS.

Information about the Mw7,5 earthquake can be found here at EMSC and here at USGS. Information about the Mw6,7 earthquake can be found here at EMSC website.

Update (22:38 UTC)

The magnitude Mw7,5 earthquake has been confirmed to be an aftershock by USGS.

2 Replies to “Earthquake with magnitude of Mw7,5 in South Turkey”

  1. They have now been hit by some larger aftershocks that are over 4.0 again. The last thing they need, when many of the buildings (many not built to the required standard to start with) that are still standing are so severely damaged. I cannot imagine what it must feel like to be trapped and feel large tremors going on.

  2. There strong earthquake activity there, but it happens in large swarms with rather quiet (or what seems to be quiet, this might just be gap in EMSC data) times between the swarms. I am expecting even more earthquakes above Mw6,0 but there’s no way to know when that might happen. Those earthquakes are going to be on faults that are now at breaking point, since they were at those breaking point before the Mw7,8 earthquake happened.

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