Earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,8 in Katla volcano

Today (18. December 2022) at 11:08 UTC an earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,8 took place in Katla volcano. This earthquake was felt, I don’t know if it was felt in Vík í Mýrdal. This is the largest earthquake in Katla volcano in a while.

Two green stars in Katla volcano caldera. The south star is from the Mw3,1 earthquake on 16th December and  the north star is from the earthquake of 18th of December.
Earthquake activity in Katla volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

There has been some earthquake activity with minor earthquakes following this strong earthquake. But it has been minimal at the writing of this article.

One Reply to “Earthquake with magnitude of Mw3,8 in Katla volcano”

  1. The most interesting part of this is the M1.9 that happened about 1½ hours earlier (09:24), at 8,2 km depth. It seems as if that deep quake was the trigger for the shallow M3.8. Which is an often repeating pattern in Katla.

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