Eruption started in Sundhnúkagígar at 07:58 UTC on 14. January 2024

This is a short article. I’ll post new article later today or tomorrow when I’ve gotten some sleep.

Eruption started at 07:58 UTC on 14. January 2024 in Sundhnúkagígar area, the eruption fissure around 1 to 2 km north of Grindavík town. This eruption was proceeded with a large earthquake swarm along the dyke that was created and is now erupting.

New cracks formed in Grindavík town, resulting in more damage. That’s all the information I have at the moment. The edge of the lava is at the writing of this article around 400 meters north of closest houses in Grindavík town.

Next update is going to be later today hopefully. I’ve been working on new server computer and been awake for too long at the writing of this article.