Earthquake swarm close to Hveravellir (Langjökull north)

I don’t know a lot about this earthquake swarm close to Hveravellir (Langjökull north), due the lack of information. What I do know is that an earthquake swarm is taking place there and the largest earthquakes so far have the magnitude around 2,1. Largest reviewed earthquake had the magnitude of 2,1 at 2,1 km depth. Other than this information I don’t know for sure what is going on in this area.

The few earthquakes that Iceland Met Office has been able to locate with some certainty in Hveravellir. Copyright of this image belongs to Iceland Met Office.
This earthquake swarm is appearing clearly on nearby SIL station and only this one SIL station. Copyright of this image belongs to Iceland Met Office.
The drumplot of that SIL station also shows this earthquake swarm clearly. Copyright of this image belongs to Iceland Met Office.

I’m currently guessing that around 50 – 100 earthquakes have taken place so far, but without accurate data its difficult to know. The magnitude in this earthquake swarm is from 0,0 – ~2,1 so far. Larger earthquakes can’t be ruled out, but as the magnitude grows, so improves the SIL network ability to locate the earthquake magnitude and depth properly. For the smaller earthquakes, they are only going to appear on one to two SIL stations and that is not enough data to properly locate them or figure out exact magnitude.

I’m going to post updates to this earthquake swarm as it happens if needed.

All quiet in Iceland (at the moment)

Currently everything is quiet in Iceland, from midnight (UTC) there have only been five earthquakes recorded (automatic, the manual number is higher) and I’m not sure if any of them did have the magnitude above 1,0 (so far). It has been quiet in Iceland in the last few days, during a quiet time in the weather (no major wind). How long this quiet is going to last I don’t know. This type of quiet normally ends with a earthquake swarm somewhere in Iceland, sometimes they are big earthquake swarms and sometimes they are small earthquake swarms.

Due to how quiet it is I don’t have anything to report at the moment. What needs to be kept eye on are the normal suspect, Bárðarbunga volcano, Katla volcano and the fracture zones in north and south Iceland. Some activity might be happening deep on the Reykjanes ridge and north of Kolbeinsey Island (north of Grímsey Island).

Please remember to support Iceland geology

Keeping this website running costs money and keeping my self a float costs money. Currently I am preparing to search for a job in Denmark in order to resolve this money issue for good, but that is going to take some time. Popular channels on Youtube generally don’t ask for donations, they do it with partnership from a big corporations, something that I don’t have and I don’t think I’ll get any time soon.

For that reason I have to ask for donations in order to support my work. Current reason for why I am always broke is that I’m paying off loans and tax debt (to the danish state). It is going to take a while until I get this on decent levels. It is getting there, slowly and once I’m debt free I don’t have any plans on collecting debt again (with the exception on buying a house, if that ever becomes an option for me).

I work hard on updating this website and keeping track on what is happening in Iceland. Doing so is a lot of work and I got even more work classifying all the earthquakes I’ve recorded since 2010 (around ~40.000). This is a one man website at the moment and as is my income is not that high (I’ve never had a high income in my life).

Thanks for the support and keeping this website going.