In a press release by Almannavarnir (Iceland Civil Protection) it is announced the lowering of the warning level around Eyjafjallajökull from danger area down to uncertainty level. There are also some travel restriction lifted that have been in place around Eyjafjallajökull volcano. The current warning level is the lowest warning level that Almannavarnir has.
The Press release by Almannavarnir in Icelandic. Use Google Translate at own risk.
Lækkun á almannavarnastigi frá neyðarstigi niður á óvissustig vegna eldgossins í Eyjafjallajökli (
Icelandic News about this.
Almannavarnastig lækkað í óvissustig (
Almannavarnir lækka viðbúnaðarstig (Rú
Almannavarnastig vegna Eyjafjallajökuls lækkað (Ví