Earthquake swarm west of Kópasker village

Early morning today (22-Februar-2018) at 07:34 UTC a magnitude 3,6 earthquake happened west of Kópasker village. This earthquake was felt in Kópasker and in 90 km distance from where it happened.

The earthquake activity west of Kópasker (green star). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Before the main earthquake two fore-shocks took place according to Icelandic Met Office. It is not known if current sequence of event is going to result in a larger earthquake on Tjörnes Fracture Zone.


Please remember to donate as I am completely broke at the moment. The time period of me being always broke is coming to an end since I am moving back to Iceland. Living in Denmark is the reason why I am always broke (taxes and how things are billed here in Denmark is the reason). Thanks for the support. 🙂

Moving to Iceland

I hope to confirm by that tomorrow I can confirm a new move date to Iceland. That new move date is on 31st May 2018 (hopefully). Any help with donations is welcomed since I am going to have problems in terms of money until I move from Denmark to Iceland.

Nafir volcano (TFZ) update at 17:45 UTC on 20-February-2018

Information in this article is going to get outdated quickly.

Currently there activity in Nafir volcano in the TFZ has quieted down since yesterday. Only one earthquake with the magnitude 3,0 has been detected since midnight. This earthquake swarm is ongoing as is even if it is just making smaller earthquakes at the moment. There has not been many earthquakes with magnitude above 2,0 since midnight. Most earthquakes currently happening are earthquakes with magnitudes below 2,0.

Current earthquake activity in Nafir volcano, TFZ. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Current earthquake activity is not that dense at the moment. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Currently there is extremely bad weather on the way to Iceland. That weather might have an effect on detection of small earthquakes in Tjörnes Fracture Zone and other parts of Iceland.

If anything happens I’ll update this article.

Nafir volcano update (TFZ) at 21:50 UTC

Information in this article are going go outdated quickly.

Here are the latest magnitude updates from the earthquakes this morning as reported by Icelandic Met Office and USGS.

Magnitude 4,9 at 05:34 UTC. USGS reports this as mb4,8.
Magnitude 5,2 at 05:38 UTC. USGS reports this as mb5,0.
Magnitude 4,0 at 06:32 UTC. USGS reports this as mb4,5.

In the last 48 hours 68 earthquakes larger than magnitude 3,0 have happened in Nafir volcano east of Grímsey island. In total 1497 earthquakes have been detected in the last 48 hours.

Current earthquake activity in Nafir volcano east of Grímsey island (TFZ). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

The current earthquake activity seems to be dropping a little for the moment. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Currently the weather forecast in Iceland is really bad and that is going to prevent any proper detection of smaller earthquakes. Larger earthquakes are going to go above the wind noise threshold (possibly) and be properly detected. Large enough earthquakes are going be detected by monitoring networks outside of Iceland where weather is not a factor.

Next update is going to be tomorrow about this earthquake swarm. Unless something major happens in Nafir volcano.

Update at 12:03 UTC on earthquake swarm in Nafir volcano, TFZ, 19-February-2018

Information in this article is going to go outdated quickly.

Uncertainty level has been declared in Grímsey island and nearby area due to the strong earthquake activity in the night. Largest earthquake during the night was a magnitude 5,2 the second largest earthquake had the magnitude of 4,5 at the moment. Based on how it appeared on my geophone it possibly close to being a magnitude 5,0 earthquake. Revision takes time when a large earthquake swarm like this happens. The largest earthquake was felt over a wide area in north, north-east and north-west Iceland according to reports by Icelandic Met Office.

Current earthquake swarm in Nafir volcano east of Grímsey island in the TFZ. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Earthquake activity is high at the moment. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

There is currently no end in sight for this earthquake swarm. It remains unclear if this is due to a possible volcano event in the making or just tectonic activity. Currently there is no eruption happening at this location. Unlike what appears on the live updated maps all of the earthquake activity is located east of Grímsey island. The SIL network has problems properly locating the earthquakes automagically when a large earthquake swarm like this happens.

Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ) earthquake update at 13:20 UTC on 17-February-2018

Information in this article are going to go outdated quickly.

As of the writing of this article total of 1593 earthquakes have happened in last 48 hours in Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ). The reason for this earthquake swarm remains unclear at the moment. It is not clear if this is just tectonic earthquakes or have their origins in magma movements.

The earthquake swarm in Tjörnes Fracture Zone. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This earthquake swarm is dense. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Largest earthquake since midnight has the magnitude of 3,7 so far. In the last 48 hours total of 27 earthquakes larger than magnitude 3,0 have happened east of Grímsey island. This earthquake swarm is happening in a volcano named Nafir (no GVP profile) and that volcano doesn’t have any documented eruption during the last 12.000 years that I know of (I might be wrong). It remains unclear at the moment if an eruption is going to happen at this location. At the moment there are no clear signs of magma movement, but ISOR (Icelandic article here) suggests that current earthquake swarm might be connected to magma movement in the area. If that is going to result in a eruption remains unclear in ISOR view.

I’ll update this article as needed today.

Update on earthquake swarm in Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ) at 11:19 UTC

Information in this article is going to get outdated quickly.

When this is written there have been 999 earthquakes in the last 48 hours in the area that is east of Grímsey island when this article is written. Most earthquakes are small in magnitude but can possibly be felt by the population in Grímsey island (~86 people).

The earthquake swarm east of Grímsey island. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Dense earthquake swarm. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This earthquake activity shows no signs of stopping as of writing of this article. Largest earthquakes in the last 24 hours have the magnitude of 3,1 – 4,1 and total of 12 earthquakes with magnitude above 3,0 have happened so far.

This article is going to be updated today if needed.

Update at 19:13 UTC

Total number of earthquakes is now at 1303. It is possible that I wrote the wrong number when I wrote this article earlier today. I might have been reading the wrong line.

Article updated at 19:13 UTC.

Increase in the earthquake activity in TFZ (Tjörnes Fracture Zone)

Information in this article might get outdated quickly due to fast moving nature of the current earthquake swarm in TFZ.

The earthquake swarm that started on 28-January-2018 continues (article here). A strong earthquake swarm started east of Grímsey island almost 18 hours ago (it started around 18:00 UTC on 14-February-2018). Over 500 earthquakes have been recorded so far, most of them are between magnitude 0,0 – 2,0. In the last 48 hours three earthquakes with magnitude above 3,0 have been recorded.

Many, many earthquakes. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Earthquake activity is dense at the moment. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

At the moment there is nothing suggesting that this earthquake swarm is connected to any magma movement. It seems to be just connected to tectonic movements in this area. This earthquake activity appears to be taking place in a volcano but that volcano doesn’t have any documented historical eruption so it is impossible to know what might happen. Last eruption in this area was in a volcano south of current earthquake activity. That volcano erupted in the years 1867 December – 1868 January, Global Volcanism Profile can be found here.

I am going to update this article as needed as this activity develops.

Earthquake swarm on TFZ continues

The earthquake swarm on Tjörnes Fracture Zone that started on 28-January-2018 continues and on Sunday 4-February-2018 a magnitude 3,1 earthquake took place. Currently the earthquake activity is ongoing.

The earthquake activity in TFZ during the last 48 hours. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

It is difficult to know for how long this earthquake swarm is going to continue. It might be several more days and up to few weeks more.

Ongoing earthquake swarm in Tjörnes Fracture Zone

Yesterday (31-January-2018) an earthquake swarm continued in Tjörnes Fracture Zone east of Grímsey Island. More than 100 earthquakes happened in the main earthquake swarm yesterday but none of them reached magnitude above 3,0. Strongest magnitude recorded was 2,6 (at 03:46 UTC). Largest earthquake recorded yesterday had a magnitude of 3,2 (at 20:20 UTC) in the earlier earthquake swarm that happened on 28-January-2018. This earthquake is possibly not connected to the earthquake swarm south of it.

The earthquake swarm east of Grímsey Island. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This earthquake swarm might signal that a large earthquake might happen in this area in coming months. Since earthquakes with magnitudes above Mw5,0 happen regularly in this part of TFZ. Last ones happened 2-April-2013. I wrote about that earthquake here and here (with images). It is not possible to know such a earthquake might happen.


Please remember to support my work with donations. February-2018 is going to really difficult for me due to bills and tax bills from the Danish tax. This month is going to be like most of the months in 2017 and I sadly have to repeat that for the next 9 months (mostly). Thanks for the support. 🙂

Moving back to Iceland

Due to the endless tax problems for me in Denmark I have made the chose to move back to Iceland in October-2018. I plan on going to school from January-2019 and be in it until I get an apartment in Hvammstangi, Iceland. I just hope that the wait isn’t too long for an apartment for me. What I plan for living in a other country is that I will be doing part time living in a other country in the future. My chose of country for that is Germany rather than Spain. When that happens I do not know, it is at least not going to happen for several years after I move back to Iceland.

Strong earthquake swarm on Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ)

Yesterday (28-January-2018) a earthquake swarm started in Tjörnes Fracture Zone (TFZ). This earthquake swarm is ongoing and current numbers might change and magnitudes of earthquakes from what they currently are. At the moment largest earthquake that has been recorded happened yesterday and had a magnitude of 4,1 (at 07:49 UTC) and the second strongest earthquake so far had the magnitude of 3,4 (at 08:11 UTC). The stronger earthquake woke people up from their sleep and was felt over a wide area. That was not reported with the second earthquake.

The earthquake swarm in TFZ. Strongest earthquakes are marked by green stars. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

All other earthquakes so far have been smaller than magnitude 3,0 at the moment. Over 130 earthquakes have happened so far. This earthquake swarm is currently ongoing. This earthquake swarm is only tectonic in nature and at the moment there is nothing suggesting that this activity is connected to magma movements.


Please remember to support my work with donations. Everything helps. Thanks for the support. 🙂