Update on the TFZ earthquake swarm at 18:31 UTC

This is a short update on the TFZ earthquake swarm. There is no point in making a long update about what is taking place in TFZ at the moment. Since information gets outdated quickly during this earthquake swarm.

About 775 earthquakes have been recorded by Icelandic Meteorological Office since this earthquake swarm started on 2. April 2013 (about 48 hour period). This number is going to be outdated soon or already is outdated by the time this blog post gets published. Since there are about 40 – 60 earthquakes every 1 hour currently. The earthquake swarm however drops regularly in terms of activity. Over 80 magnitude 3.0 earthquakes have been recorded so far. This number is going to increase if this earthquake swarm continues as it has been doing for the past 48 hour period.

The earthquake activity in TFZ. The green stars show the earthquakes with larger magnitudes then 3.0. There is a second fault that has gone active since the earthquake activity started yesterday (02.04.2013). Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

As can be seen here. The earthquake swarm has been really powerful at times. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This earthquake swarm is the largest one in the area for long time now. At the moment there are no sign about that this earthquake swarm is about to end any time soon.

Map showing the largest earthquakes in this swarm. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Earthquake activity as it appears on Grímsey SIL station. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Earthquake activity as it appears on Skrokkalda SIL station. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Reviewed area of earthquake activity on TFZ. This map does not show the current earthquakes. It is few hours old also. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This earthquake swarm is complex and might last for a long time. There is a continued risk of a large earthquake in this area. But there has not been a earthquake larger then magnitude in this part of TFZ since 1910 at least. So this area has a lot of build up stress. Since there has not been a strong earthquake there for a long time. But the magnitude 5.5 earthquake and the following aftershocks have just released tiny amount of the stress that has build up in this area.

Map showing historical earthquake activity in TFZ. The image is from here. Copyright of this image belongs to Gunnar B. Gudmundsson, Pall Halldorsson, Ragnar Stefansson and other connected people.

For the moment. It is just best to keep watching the activity that is taking place in TFZ. It is impossible to know for sure what happens in TFZ during the next few hours to days.

Other news about this in Icelandic.

Um jarðskjálftana austur af Grímsey (IMO, Icelandic)
Jarðskjálftahrinan við Grímsey heldur áfram (IMO, Icelandic)

Update 1: Here is a focal depth of the earthquakes for the past 15 days.

This is the focal depth and number of earthquakes for the past 15 days in north Iceland. This might not show all earthquakes that have happened in this area. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Blog post is updated at 21:17 UTC.

Information on the magnitude 5.5 earthquake in TFZ

This is a short blog post about the earthquake swarm in Tjörnes Fraction Zone.

The largest earthquake so far is a magnitude 5.5. The largest aftershocks so far are magnitude 4.4 that took place at 01:14 UTC and 4.7 that took place at 08:55 UTC this morning. This earthquake swarm is taking place on a complex fault area that is highly active. There is also big question what effect this earthquake swarm is going to have on other faults in the area. There is a risk that this earthquake swarm is going to start other earthquake swarms in nearby faults. Uncertainty level has been declared for area from Sauðárkrókur to Raufarhöfn at least. This is the largest earthquake in this area since the year 2002 and 2005. But both this years there was a magnitude 5.0 earthquakes in this area.

The earthquake activity in TFZ. Green stars are earthquakes that are larger then magnitude 3.0. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This trace shows how dense this earthquake swarm has been. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

The earthquake is appearing clearly on my geophone network. This is Böðvarshólar geophone station. This image is released under Creative Commons licence. Please see the CC Licence page for more details.

The largest earthquakes as they did appear on Heklubyggð geophone station. This image is released under Creative Commons licence. Please see the CC Licence page for more details.

There have been over 500 earthquake recorded since this earthquake swarm did start. It is impossible to know for sure when this earthquake swarm is going to stop, or if it is going to pick up again. But the earthquake swarm is already starting to shown signs of dropping activity. But that might change again if there is new larger earthquake in this area, or swarm of larger earthquake.

I am going to post update of anything major happens in this earthquake swarm. It is possible to monitor the current status of this earthquake swarm here on my geophone web page.

Blog post updated at 15:23 UTC on 02.04.2013.
Blog post updated at 16:14 UTC on 02.04.2013.
Blog post updated at 16:26 UTC on 02.04.2013.

Image of the TFZ earthquake

Here are the images of the earthquake that took place at 01:00 UTC in TFZ. I do not have correct magnitude for this earthquakes yet. So it is missing at the moment.

The earthquake at Böðvarshólar geophone station. This image is relased under Creative Common licence. Please see the CC Licence page for more details.

The earthquake at Heklubyggð geophone station. This image is relased under Creative Common licence. Please see the CC Licence page for more details.

Earthquake swarm east of Grímsey island (TFZ)

Today at 05:25 UTC a earthquake swarm started east of Grímsey island. But this island is located in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone. The largest earthquake today is a magnitude 2.8. No larger earthquakes have taken place so far.

Earthquake swarm in TFZ today. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Earthquake activity is common in this area of Iceland so this is nothing unusual. This earthquake swarm is not connected to any volcano activity that I know of. If anything major happens. I am going to write a blog post about it soon as I can do so.

Earthquake swarm in TFZ

During the night an earthquake swarm started in TFZ. The first earthquake had the magnitude of Mw3.8 according Icelandic Meteorological Office. This earthquake was felt clearly in the area it has been reported. Above 20 aftershocks have been recorded in this area following this earthquake.

Location of the magnitude 3.8 earthquake in TFZ. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Trace of the earthquake activity. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This earthquake was well detected on my geophone in north Iceland. This image is released under CC Licence. Please see CC Licence page for more details.

It is possible to watch this earthquake activity on my geophone network page here. At the moment the earthquake activity has stopped. It is impossible to know if it is going to start again in this area or not. But this area is normally highly active in terms of earthquake activity during the year. So earthquakes swarms like this are not uncommon.

Earthquake swarm east of Grímsey (TFZ) and in Grímsfjall volcano fissure swarm

Currently there is a minor earthquake swarm east of Grímsey Island in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone. So far the largest earthquake has had the magnitude of 2.9 according to Icelandic Meteorological Office reviewed earthquake overview. Earthquake swarms are common in this area of TFZ.

Earthquake activity in TFZ today. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Grímsfjall and Hamarinn volcanoes

Some internesting earthquake activity is now taking place in Grímsfjall volcano (outside the main volcano). This earthquake activity is in the fissure swarm that extents away from Grímsfjall volcano in the direction of Katla volcano fissure swarm. There has also been interesting earthquake activity taking place in Hamarinn volcano (no GVP page). But Hamarinn volcano last had a minor eruption in July of the year 2011. So far nothing suggests anything of volcanic nature is about to take place.

Earthquake activity in Grímsfjall volcano system today. Along with earthquake activity in Hamarinn volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

At the moment it appears that nothing besides earthquakes is going to take place in Grímsfjall volcano. But it hard to be sure given how often Grímsfjall volcano erupts. I do not yet have enough data on what is happening in Hamarinn volcano to say what is taking place there. So for now. It must just be observed.

Magnitude 3.2 earthquake in TFZ

At 04:03 UTC on 29.01.2013 an magnitude 3.2 earthquake did happen at TFZ. This earthquake was not felt according to news on this earthquake. Several aftershocks where detected following this magnitude 3.2 earthquake.

The magnitude 3.2 earthquake in TFZ. Along with aftershocks in the same area. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

There is a lot of tension in TFZ. But this earthquake swarm does not mean it is ready to break yet. When that happens is impossible to know at this time. Earthquake detection is difficult in Iceland at the moment due to bad weather and strong winds.

Interesting earthquake swarm in TFZ

Today (12.12.2012) there was a interesting earthquake swarm in south part of TFZ (close to a place called Ásbyrgi). This earthquake swarm did consist mostly of minor earthquakes. With magnitudes of from ML0.2 and up to magnitude ML2.6. This earthquake swarm is tectonic in nature. I do not believe it is volcanic in nature. But this earthquake swarm is inside Krafla volcano fissure swarm or TFZ-NVZ two volcanoes. I am not sure in this case here.

The earthquake swarm is in the corner of this image. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

This earthquake swarm might not mean anything special as is. But earthquake activity in this area has been some for the past few years. But it has so far never resulted in any major events so far in this area.

TFZ earthquake swarm update on 06.12.2012

The earthquake swarm on TFZ continues to this day. It has been ongoing for more then one month already. The largest earthquake in the past few days has been a earthquake with the magnitude of ML2.7. Most other earthquakes that have been taking place are in the magnitude range of ML0.0 and up to ML2.7. Activity in this area happens with high and lows. With latest high being just few days ago. This continued earthquake activity shows that this area continues to be at risk of large earthquake.

Earthquake activity in TFZ yesterday (05.12.2012). It continues in the same area as Mb5.6 earthquake that took place on 21. October 2012. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Earthquake activity in TFZ today (06.12.2012). Not many new earthquake have taken place since yesterday (05.12.2012. Picture above). But there is regular activity in this area and that makes the earthquake swarm continuous. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Currently there are no signs that this earthquake swarm is about to end. Even if there is a drop in activity for a day or two. It continues as it has been doing since 21st October 2012. I am going to post updates on this earthquake swarm regularly. If anything major happens. I am going to post update soon as I can do so.