Glacier flood has started from west Skaftárketill cauldron in Vatnajökull glacier

Yesterday an glacier flood started form west Skaftárketill cauldron. But that is an hydro-thermal area inside Hamarinn volcano (Bárðarbunga volcano system). The glacier flood is expected to be small. Last year in July there was also an glacier flood from this area of Vatnajökull glacier. But that was due to minor eruption in this area (it was poorly documented by scientists. I do not know why that is). But now it is melt-water from hydro-thermal area that is causing this glacier flood.

But glacier floods like this happen every 1 to 3 years from this area. Following this glacier flood an swarm of glacier-quakes have been detected in this part of Vatnajökull glacier. Flood in western Skaftárkatli might trigger a glacier flood in the eastern skaftárkatli cauldron. But it is not known if that is actually going to happen this time. It is not expected that current glacier flood is going to be a large one. But there is an risk of Hydrogen sulfide poisoning if people are close the glacier river during the glacier flood. So it is not recommend to go close to the glacier river due to this risk. The glacier flood is expected to appear from under Vatnajökull glacier in the next 5 to 6 hours. It is expected to last around 2 to 3 days at most.

Glacier quakes in Vatnajökull glacier following this glacier flood. This glacier quakes are not strong and do not show up on automatic SIL system. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Glacier quake activity as it appears on SIL seismometers around Vatnajökull glacier. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Glacier quake activity as it appears on SIL seismometers around Vatnajökull glacier. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Glacier quake activity as it appears on SIL seismometers around Vatnajökull glacier. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

Click on this image for full size. This plot here shows output from several SIL stations. This image was released by Icelandic Meteorological Office today. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

It is believed that sometimes following this type of glacier floods from this area in Vatnajökull glacier there are small eruptions, or steam events as the pressure on the hydro-thermal system drops . That in turns allows for some magma movement that is powering the hydro-thermal system in this area of Vatnajökull glacier. It is impossible to know for sure if that is going to happen now. But it is good idea to keep an eye-out for such events taking place in Hamarinn volcano. Given the minor eruption that took place there last year.

Here is an comparison of the events that took place last year compared to the events that are currently taking place in Hamarinn volcano.

Harmonic tremor subsiding from Hamarinn volcano on 13. July 2011. The following glacier flood appears clearly on this tremor plot from Icelandic Meteorological Office. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

I was seeing activity to November 2011 after the activity in July 2011.

One of the last harmonic tremor activity that I did see in Hamarinn volcano during the year 2011. But this took place on 7. November 2011. After this point it did go quiet. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Meteorological Office.

I do not expect any volcano eruption in Hamarinn volcano at this point. But such things are impossible to know for sure. As Hamarinn volcano has not been studied in details until after the year 2011 eruption.

Icelandic news about this glacier flood

Hlaup hafið í Skaftá (Rú
Verður væntanlega ekki mikið hlaup (Rú
Hlaup að hefjast í Skaftá (Ví
Aldrei verið jafnfljótir að sjá hlaupið (Ví
Skaftárhlaup hafið (

Harmonic tremor event in Hamarinn volcano

Tonight there was an small harmonic tremor event in Hamarinn volcano (Loki-Fögrufjöll, Bárðarbunga). This event was not big. But did appear on the Skrokkalda SIL station and on Grímsfjall SIL station. The pattern that is now appearing is the same one that did appear in July 2011 in the minor eruption in Hamarinn volcano. But that event took place week after Katla volcano minor eruption.

The harmonic tremor pulse on Skrokkalda SIL station. This is most likey from Hamarinn volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

The harmonic tremor pulse on Grímsfjall SIL station. This is most likey from Hamarinn volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

What gives clues that this Hamarinn volcano is that few days ago it had minor earthquake activity. But this area does not seem to need a lot of earthquake activity before a minor eruption takes place. Why that is I have no idea at present time.

I am going to update this blog post as event progress.

Few earthquakes in Hamarinn volcano and Kverkfjöll volcano

After several weeks of quiet period, activity in the volcanoes that are close to or in Vatnajökull glacier. During the past few days there have been earthquakes in several volcanoes in Vatnajökull volcano. Today it is the Hamarinn volcano and Kverkfjöll volcano.

Hamarinn volcano (Loki-Fögrufjöll)

Hamarinn volcano had its first eruption in July 2011. This eruption was small and started without even a hit of earthquake activity. It created a glacier flood that topped at 2100 M3. It did not create any damge. But it filled a human made lake that is used for power production in this area. That eruption was short, it only lasted for about 24 hours, maybe even less. Today this area of Hamarinn volcano has been having minor earthquake swarm. But this does not mean it is going to erupt again. But it also shows that current activity in Hamarinn volcano is not over.

Earthquake activity in Hamarinn volcano today (08.04.2012). Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

The earthquakes seen on Skrokkalda SIL station. The earthquakes from Tungnafellsjökull volcano are also clear on this tremor plot from Iceland Meteorological Office. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

Kverkfjöll volcano

Kverkfjöll volcano have been warning up to a eruption for some time now. When they might erupt is impossible to know at current time. But it is save to say that at present time, no eruption is going to take place any time soon. This however means that earthquakes are increasing in Kverkfjöll volcano. Most of the time there are just small earthquake swarms in Kverkfjöll volcano. No other changes have so far been noticed in Kverkfjöll volcano. But that is unlike what has been taking place in Askja volcano in the past few weeks.

Earthquake activity in Kverkfjöll volcano. This are just small earthquakes so far. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

The tremor plot from the SIL station that is closest to Kverkfjöll volcano. It just barely shows the earthquakes that have been taking place in Kverkfjöll volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

After several weeks of quiet in Iceland it seems to be that the quiet period is over. But if it is going to going to result in any major activity is impossible to know at this point.

Volcanoes of Iceland. Copyright unknown, Google Inc. But the picture is from here (warning! Conspiracy web site.)

Earthquake swarm in Bárðarbunga volcano

During the night there was an small earthquake swarm in Bárðarbunga volcano. The largest earthquake in this earthquake swarm was ML3.04 in magnitude. It had the depth of 8.5 km. This might have been a n dike intrusion. But it is hard to know that for sure at the moment. This earthquake swarm only lasted for an about 2 to 3 hours before it stopped.

The location of the earthquake swarm in Bárðarbunga volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

The earthquake swarm also did appear clearly on the tremor plots on the SIL stations that are close to Bárðarbunga volcano. The second set of spikes there are from Hamarinn volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

This earthquake swarm was also seen on Grímsfjall volcano SIL station. The rise in harmonic tremor is due to a storm that is passing over Iceland at the moment (going to go over Iceland today). Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Meteorological Office.

Hamarinn volcano

Following the earthquake swarm in Bárðarbunga volcano an earthquake swarm did start in Hamarinn volcano. This earthquake swarm is so far small and the largest earthquake so far is an ML1.9 in magnitude. But Hamarinn volcano had an minor eruption in July 2011. That minor eruption created an glacier flood that was larger then the flood that did come from Mýrdalsjökull glacier the week earlier. Activity after that has however been little and few earthquakes have taken place. It is impossible to know if there is going to be any more eruptions in Hamarinn volcano. But it cannot be ruled out given current activity in it.

Year in review on Rúv News

Rúv News has put up an page with major events in Iceland during the year 2011.

Grímsfjall volcano eruption in May 2011 can be viewed here.
The glacier flood from Mýrdalsjökull glacier due to the small eruption in Katla volcano can be found here. Sadly there is no mention of glacier flood from Hamarinn volcano yet.

This video should be available outside Iceland. If it is not. Please let me know I can send an complain email to Rúv News about it.

Harmonic tremor pulse in Hamarinn volcano

The harmonic tremor in Katla volcano seems to be over. It lasted only short duration after the earthquakes it seems. At least I cannot read anything else out of the data from the SIL station around Katla volcano.

But the harmonic tremor in Hamarinn volcano (part of Bárðarbunga volcano system) seems to be ongoing, as before there is little to no earthquake activity following this harmonic tremor activity. I have no idea why that is. But following this harmonic tremor there was one earthquake with the size ML1.9. But with extremely poor location and size measurement. So the size and depth are subject to a change.

The earthquake in Hamarinn volcano at 16:35 UTC on 7 November, 2011. Copyright of this image belongs to Iceland Met Office.

Harmonic tremor in Hamarinn volcano at 16:44 UTC on 7 November, 2011. Copyright of this image belongs to Iceland Met Office.

Currently the harmonic tremor pulse in Hamarinn volcano is ongoing. So far the harmonic tremor pulse has not reached the level that suggests a eruption is about to start in Hamarinn volcano, as did happen in July this summer (year 2011). But it worth keeping watch on this event in Hamarinn volcano. As more might be coming from that volcano. But its eruption pattern is undocumented so far, as there have been few to none eruptions in Harminn volcano in the 20th century in Iceland.

Update 1: The weather in this area is quite bad from what I can tell. But so far it does not seems to have any effect on the SIL stations. At least I do not see any weather pattern above the normal so far.

Update 2: There seems to have been a minor eruption in Hamarinn volcano. The harmonic tremor looks like that now. But that is almost the same tremor signal that was in July this summer when a minor eruption took place in Hamarinn volcano.

A clear sign in my opinion that a minor eruption took place in Hamarinn volcano. This activity might continue as it did in July. Copyright of this image belongs to Iceland Met Office.

The harmonic tremor sign can also been seen from Grímsfjall SIL station. Not as clear, as this is a small event. Copyright of this image belongs to Iceland Met Office.

A glacier flood should be expected from this event in the next few hours. At least I am assuming that given the glacier cover in the area. It is also a risk that this eruption is going to continue for the next few hours and drop off between as it did in July.

Blog post updated at 16:55 UTC on 7 November, 2011.
Blog post updated at 17:06 UTC on 7 November, 2011.

Tremor pulses in Hamarinn volcano (most likely)

During the past two weeks there have been tremor pulses in Hamarinn volcano (is claimed to be part of Bárðarbunga volcano system), at least most likely that volcano. But it might also be a volcano that I call Skrokkalda Volcano (other name might be Hágöngur volcano) (it has no entry on GVP web page, I do not know why). But given recent history I find it unlikely to be the case.

This harmonic tremors might be due to dike intrusions. I find it unlikely to be from a man made lake called Hágöngulón that is in this area. The harmonic tremor pulses look like sharp spikes on the tremor plot on the Skrokkalda SIL station.

Harmonic tremor spikes from Hamarinn volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Met Office.

This pattern of harmonic tremor spikes was seen all last year and all of the year 2009 from what I can remember. I do not have tremor charts from that period. But however this suggests that more magma has now started to flow into Hamarinn volcano. But there was a small volcano eruption (it seems so, given the flood that took place in July) in Hamarinn volcano last summer (summer 2011). What happens next is a good question.

This process of inflow of magma seems to without earthquakes, or close to it. I do not know why that is and I have no ideas that explain it.

What did happen in Hamarinn volcano yesterday

I really did think that a eruption was about to start in Hamarinn volcano yesterday. As the signal that I was seeing was not far from what I did see on 12 July, 2011 when a eruption did take place for sure in Hamarinn volcano.

Here is the tremor signal from 12 July early in the morning.

The harmonic tremor signal on 12 July, 2011 at 07:49 UTC. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Met Office.

Here is the signal on the 27 September, 2011.

The harmonic tremor signal on 27 September, 2011 at 09:34 UTC. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Met Office.

The tremor signal in July was stronger, but it looks almost the same way as the signal yesterday (27 September, 2011) did. So I think I know what did happen yesterday (27 September, 2011) in Hamarinn volcano. There might have been a minor dike intrusion into Hamarinn volcano. There where no earthquakes as it might have been going up resistance free pathway. But it is hard to know that for sure at the moment. Later events might however make what happened yesterday more clear what did happen on 27 September, 2011.

Note: I am looking for data on El Hierro volcano. As I am going to make a special blog post about it soon. I am looking for everything that I can get my hands on and might be useful to me.

Note 2: I have updated this blog post here and added the most recent eruptions in Iceland. Blog post: A short history of volcano eruptions in Iceland

Blog post updated at 12:59 UTC on 28 September, 2011.

No eruption starting in Hamarinn volcano

There seems to be a minor eruption starting in Hamarinn volcano (might be part of Bárðarbunga volcano). Given the current tremor signature on Skrokkalda SIL station.

The start of a harmonic tremor spike on Skrokkalda SIL station. Most likley from Hamarinn volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

For the moment I do not know if this is going to remain a small eruption or might evolve to larger eruption. That is going to come clear in next several hours. But for the moment this is starting and glacier flood is to be expected in several hours. There is no danger to humans or humans structures I think.

Update 1: Darn! False alarm!

This is how the tremor plot did look after one update.

The tremor spike just changed into regular earthquake so to speak. So this is nothing but false alarm. It happens. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Met Office.

Blog post updated at 09:59 UTC on 27. September 2011.

Two earthquake swarms during the night.

During the night there where two earthquake swarms in Iceland. One of this earthquake swarms was man made.

The larger earthquake swarm was in Hengill volcano and was man made. It happens and the hydrothermal plant pumps down cold water into the bedrock and changes the pressure and strain in the bedrock and nearby sediments that make up this area. The earthquakes only happens when cold water is being pumped down into the ground. When they are not pumping cold water into the ground, no earthquakes happens. Largest earthquakes in this man made earthquake swarm where ML2.5 and ML2.2 according to automatic measurements of Iceland Met Office. But most of the earthquakes where less then ML1.0 in size.

The man made earthquake swarm in Hengill volcano. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Met Office.

The second earthquake swarm that did happen during the night was in Katla volcano. This earthquake swarm is no surprise to people how have been watching Katla volcano activity since July. This earthquake swarm in Katla volcano was however small during the night. But there did more earthquake activity in Katla volcano around 18:00 UTC yesterday. But overall it seems that Katla volcano has slowed down a bit compared to last few days.

Earthquakes in Katla volcano during the past 48 hours. Copyright of this picture belongs to Iceland Met Office.

For the moment it is rather quiet in Iceland, as there is currently not that much activity in Katla volcano. But that can change without any warning at all. As Iceland is highly active in both volcanoes and earthquakes.

Icelandic news about the earthquake activity in Hengill volcano.

Jarðskjálftar í boði Orkuveitunnar (Rú, Icelandic)
Jarðskjálfti á Hellisheiði (Ví, Icelandic)

Overview of Hamarinn volcano current activity

Here is a short overview of the Hamarinn volcano activity this summer. From what I can gather in the current data this is most likely not over. During the past few days there have been at least suspected two minor eruption in Hamarinn volcano. But it hard to confirm it due to glacier that is covering this area.

This all starts on 12. July 2011 at 07:30 UTC with this event here.

The tremor spike on 12. July 2011 at 07:49 UTC. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

When the clock is around 19:10 UTC the same day the tremor chart looks like this.

The tremor spikes are now three on 12. July 2011 at 19:09 UTC. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

On the 13. July 2011 the tremor plot looks like this. But at that time the glacier flood had started and broken from the Vatnajökull glacier.

The tremor chart at 13. July 2011 at 01:10 UTC. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

The tremor chart at 13. July 2011 at 12:59 UTC. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Then there was a short period of break when nothing interesting happened in Hamarinn volcano. That break did last until 16. July 2011 when a new, but smaller spike did appear on Skrokkalda SIL station.

The tremor at 16. July 2011 at 15:22 UTC. It is not fully clear what did happen at this time. But this was most likely a earthquake in Hamarinn volcano. But that is yet unconfirmed at this time. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Then there is a new break that lasts until 1. August when a earthquakes happens deep under Bárðarbunga volcano. But the deepest earthquake had the depth of 25.2 km. But it is also important to notice this earthquake that took place on 13. July 2011 and it is from Hamarinn volcano.

The earthquake from Hamarinn volcano. This picture is released under Creative Commons licence. Please see licence web page for more details.

On the 3. August 2011 around 02:00 UTC a new harmonic tremor spike starts to be visible on Skrokkalda SIL station.

The tremor plot at 01:55 UTC on 3. August 2011. Copyright of this picture belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

This day two minor harmonic tremor happens. A change in Skaftá glacier river is noticed. That is higher conductivity and slightly more water. It was announced in the news that a Skaftá glacier river flood was about to start from the eastern glacier cauldron that is formed above the Hamarinn volcano. Today however that does not seem to be the case. As no glacier flood has taken place so far.

Today (5. August 2011) there was a new harmonic tremor spike on Skrokkalda SIL station. It did follow the same pattern as before. It started and lasted for about 20 to 60 minutes or about that long.

The tremor chart 5. August 2011 at 17:38 UTC. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

So far today only one harmonic tremor has been detected. But given the past experience that is unlikely to hold for a long time now. But it is impossible to know when a new event starts or how big it is going to be.

The original event on 12. July 2011 did create new cauldron in the glacier. This map from Icelandic Met Office shows the location of those new cauldrons. But it has been marked with a star on the map. The coloured dots are earthquakes in this area over the past few years.

Map of the area that is currently active in Hamarinn volcano. Copyright of this image belongs to Icelandic Met Office.

Given the current data I am expect a full scale eruption in this area soon. When is hard to know for sure. But until that happens there are going to be more smaller eruptions in this area. I do not know why there is a lack of earthquakes following this events. I cannot explain it. But because of that this can only be seen after it has started on the tremor charts.